Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm, and Diphyllobothrium latum, the fish tapeworm, are acquired by eating undercooked meat or fish. In humans, these parasites live only in the gut, and they do not form cysticerci.
See also
Taenia sp.
Home > D. General pathology > Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
Taenia saginata
16 December 2016 -
Sporothrix schenckii
16 November 2016sporotrichosis
transepithelial elimination in a case of suspected sporotrichosis https://twitter.com/bunn_belinda/status/795043007837966336
See also
fungal infections
dimorphic fungi -
16 November 2016sporotrichosis - See also : Sporothrix schenckii
transepithelial elimination in a case of suspected sporotrichosis https://twitter.com/bunn_belinda/status/795043007837966336
See also
fungal infections -
9 November 2016lambliasis WKP
Definition: Giardiasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by the flagellate protozoan Giardia lamblia (also sometimes called Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis).
The giardia organism inhabits the digestive tract of a wide variety of domestic and wild animal species, as well as humans. It is one of the most common pathogenic parasitic infections in humans worldwide; in 2013, there were about 280 million people worldwide with symptomatic giardiasis. (...) -
Biatriospora mackinnonii
8 November 2016Images
Cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Biatriospora mackinnonii in a renal transplant recipient https://twitter.com/JAADCaseReports/status/793800403821457408 -
8 November 2016Images
cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Biatriospora mackinnonii in a renal transplant recipient https://twitter.com/JAADCaseReports/status/793800403821457408
Phaeohyphomycosis https://twitter.com/drsys02/status/1498178460031741955
pigmented hyphae
abscess formation
See also
mycoses -
Herpes viral inclusions
23 August 2016HSV inclusions
Multinucleation, molding and margination of chromatin in herpetic skin infection https://twitter.com/Valdebran/status/743445013917376512
HSV infected cells / Herpes viral inclusions https://twitter.com/KUSAURAP/status/738755261809098752 https://twitter.com/Levelsx5/status/766286435473301504 https://twitter.com/GP_Pathguy/status/859107053339529218
See also
HSV Herpes virus (...) -
Plasmodium vivax
22 August 2016Images
schizont & trophozoite - Plasmodium vivax https://twitter.com/drshahinhameed/status/767652108984168448
See also
Plasmodium sp.
malaria -
22 August 2016Images
schizont & trophozoite - Plasmodium vivax https://twitter.com/drshahinhameed/status/767652108984168448 -
MAI infections
22 August 2016Images
hepatic MAI infection https://twitter.com/GIPathologyURMC/status/765234005474181120
See also
mycobacterial infections Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
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