Helicobacter Pylori-associated carcinogenesis
Coccoid form of Helicobacter Pylori https://twitter.com/huda_rr1/status/846381455550795776 https://twitter.com/huda_rr1/status/846381455550795776
Helicobacter Pylori-associated lymphoma
Helicobacter Pylori-associated adenocarcinoma
Home > D. General pathology > Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
Helicobacter Pylori-associated tumorigenesis
29 March 2017 -
Clonorchis sinensis
29 March 2017πͺπππππππππ sp. WKP
Adult πͺπππππππππ fluke living in a large bile duct / Clonorchis sinensis https://twitter.com/liverpath/status/846862967018835968 https://twitter.com/Levelsx5/status/846723113702363137
See also
Opisthorchis viverrini
flukes / fluke liver fluke
Open references
Clonorchis sinensis, an oriental liver fluke, as a human biological agent of cholangiocarcinoma: a brief review. Kim TS, Pak JH, Kim JB, Bahk YY. BMB Rep. 2016 Nov;49(11):590-597. PMID: #27418285#Β (...) -
cryptococcal inflammatory pseudotumor
15 March 2017Cryptococcus-associated inflammatory pseudotumor
"Inflammatory pseudotumors" (IPTs) embrace a heterogeneous spectrum of reactive, infective, and neoplastic entities, that are characterized by a clinical mass composed of a histologic proliferation of spindle cells in a background of inflammatory cells and collagen fibers.
Although a spectrum of microorganisms have been identified in infective IPTs, mycobacterial infective IPTs are reported most commonly.
The specimens demonstrate aΒ (...) -
Histoplasma-associated inflammatory pseudotumour
15 March 2017See also
digestive infections
Open references
Gastrointestinal histoplasmosis presenting as colonic pseudotumour.
Sehgal S, Chawla R, Loomba PS, Mishra B.
Indian J Med Microbiol. 2008 Apr-Jun;26(2):187-9.
PMID: #18445963# Free -
CMV-associated inflammatory pseudotumor
15 March 2017Cytomegalovirus pseudotumor
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common pathogen affecting the gastrointestinal tract in patients with AIDS.
CMV-induced pseudotumor in patients with AIDS is an exceptionally rare clinical entity.
CMV pseudotumor should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal mass lesions in AIDS patients and in other immunocompromised patients.
The tumor often responds to antiviral therapy, but resolution of a CMV mass as a result of oral antiviral therapyΒ (...) -
HIV-associated inflammatory pseudotumor
15 March 2017Open references
A case report on the surgical treatment of the huge inflammatory pseudotumor in the AIDS patient with hemophilic. Liu B, Liu L, Feng Y, Li L. Case Rep Pathol. 2011;2011:798649. doi:10.1155/2011/798649. PMID: #22937392# Free
Inflammatory pseudotumor associated with HIV, JCV, and immune reconstitution syndrome. Gonzalez-Duarte A, Sullivan S, Sips GJ, Naidich T, Kleinman G, Murray J, Morgello S, Germano I, Mullen M, Simpson D. Neurology. 2009 Jan 20;72(3):289-90.Β (...) -
8 March 2017Madura foot WKP
Definition: Eumycetoma is a chronic granulomatous fungal disease of humans, affecting mainly the limbs, and sometimes the abdominal and chest walls or the head.
Mycetoma pedis (mycetoma of the foot), the most common form of mycetoma, is known widely as the Madura foot. The infection is endemic in Africa, India and the Central and South Americas.
Madura foot https://twitter.com/MITSU_VAISHNAV/status/839359995267416066Β (...) -
2 March 2017WKP
dirfilariasis / dirofilaria-induced pulmonary infarct https://twitter.com/Nikon_Zaitsev/status/661236545005973504 https://twitter.com/ashokparameswar/status/1422774434457260034
See also
filariases Dirofilaria sp. -
Cryptosporidium sp.
20 February 2017Images
Cryptosporidium / Cryptosporidia https://twitter.com/kiborbetany/status/832921438734712835 https://twitter.com/ZlatkoPath/status/880817746002554880
cryptosporidiosis -
rheumatic fever
9 February 2017Images
Rheumatic heart disease - severe commissural fusion https://twitter.com/_SaranyaS_/status/828840236063084544
See also
infectious diseases / infections
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