cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC)
Narayan G, Bourdon V, Chaganti S, Arias-Pulido H, Nandula SV, Rao PH, Gissmann L, Durst M, Schneider A, Pothuri B, Mansukhani M, Basso K, Chaganti RS, Murty VV. Gene dosage alterations revealed by cDNA microarray analysis in cervical cancer: identification of candidate amplified and overexpressed genes. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Apr;46(4):373-84. PMID: (...)
Home > G. Tumoral pathology > Molecular pathology of tumors > Genetic anomalies > Amplifications > Regional amplifications
Regional amplifications
8q24.3 amplification
28 June 2007 -
8q24 amplification
28 June 2007Subregions
8q24.21 amplification head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC)
8q24.3 amplification cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC)
Driver genes
See also
Oncogenic BRAF mutation with CDKN2A inactivation is characteristic of a subset of pediatric malignant astrocytomas. Schiffman JD, Hodgson JG, VandenBerg SR, Flaherty P, Polley MY, Yu M, Fisher PG, Rowitch DH, Ford JM, Berger MS, Ji H, Gutmann DH, James CD. Cancer Res. 2010 Jan (...) -
28 June 2007Intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21 (iAMP21) involves amplification of the RUNX1 gene and duplication of chromosome 21, dup(21q).
iAMP21 had arisen from a breakage-fusion-bridge cycle: a mechanism previously described in several tumors, as B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
It defines a new cytogenetic subgroup in B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with a poor prognosis.
Driver genes
See also
Robinson HM, Harrison CJ, (...) -
8p12 amplification
14 June 20078p12 amplicons
HPV-18/MYC amplicon
14 June 2007The unscheduled replication origin activation at inserted HPV-18 viral DNA sequences triggers DNA amplification and the subsequent overexpression of the MYC oncogene.
Conti C, Herrick J, Bensimon A. Unscheduled DNA replication origin activation at inserted HPV 18 sequences in a HPV-18/MYC amplicon.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Apr 19;46(8):724-734 PMID: #17444495# -
12q amplification
12 June 200712q amplicons
11q14 amplification
1 June 200711q14 amplicon
2p25-p23 amplification
1 June 2007Tumors
neuroepithelial tumors -
12q13-15 amplification
1 June 200712q13-q15 amplification, 12q14-15 amplicon
18q11.2 amplification
1 June 2007Tumors
pancreatic carcinomas pancreatic adenocarcinomas
Candidate genes