The rete testis develops from sex cords and the degenerating mesonephric duct and includes an intratesticular portion (the tubulae rete and mediastinal rete) and an extratesticular portion comprised of several vesicular structures (extratesticular bullae retis) which form the efferent ductules.
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Genital system > Male genital system > Testis
rete testis
24 August 2010 -
testicular sex cord-stromal tumors
22 July 2010testicular sex cord stromal tumors
pediatric yolk sac tumor
13 July 2010Yolk sac tumor accounts for more than 80% of testicular germ cell tumors in children. It displays an amazing variety of architectural patterns. The most common is microcystic pattern as shown here. Interconnecting cords and ribbons of tumor cells are surrounded by abundant myxoid stroma.
Yolk sac tumor is the commonest germ cell tumor in children. It may occure as pure form or as a part of a mixed germ cell tumor. Previously, the tumor was more often diagnosed as a clear cell carcinoma. (...) -
testicular carcinoid tumor
28 April 2010Primary carcinoid tumors of the testis
bilateral macroorchidism in prepubertal boy
21 April 2010Etiology
McCune-Albright syndrome (GNAS1 mutation mosaicism) (#11297617#) An activating mutation of the G(s)alpha gene can be mainly expressed in Sertoli cells and weakly expressed or absent in Leydig cells. Abnormal prepubertal testicular enlargement extends the clinical spectrum of McCune-Albright syndrome. Determination of serum inhibin B and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) are abnormally increased and should be considered in boys with this syndrome. (#11297617#)
references (...) -
macroorchidism in McCune-Albright syndrome
21 April 2010macro-orchidism in McCune-Albright syndrome
controlateral testicular hypertrophy in unilateral cryptorchidism
20 April 2010compensatory hypertrophy of testicle in unilateral cryptorchidism; compensatory hypertrophy of testis in unilateral cryptorchidism; compensatory testicular hypertrophy in unilateral cryptorchidism
unilateral enlargement of the testis in childhood
20 April 2010Unilateral testicular enlargement in the pubertal boy is not an indication for exploration and biopsy, if the clinical features and investigations show no evidence of malignancy.
In the prepubertal boy, unilateral testicular enlargement is not necessarily an indication for exploration if there are no clinical or investigational grounds for suspicion of neoplasia. Close follow-up is essential. (#2005529#)
Unilateral benign testicular macro-orchidism in a child: decisions and (...) -
granular transformation of Sertoli cells
20 April 2010The granular transformation of Sertoli cells is caracterized by Sertoli cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm.
Histochemical and ultrastructural examination of granular Sertoli cells revealed that these cells accumulate secondary lysosomes and show scant cytoplasmic organelles.
In the males with varicocele or retractile testes, these lysosomes are probably heterolysosomes that had degraded the germ cells and testicular fluid accumulated in the lumen of the ectatic seminiferous (...) -
absent testis with contralateral testicular hypertrophy
20 April 2010An absent testis is associated with contralateral testicular hypertrophy.
Huff DS, Snyder HM 3rd, Hadziselimovic F, Blyth B, Duckett JW.
J Urol. 1992 Aug;148(2 Pt 2):627-8.
PMID: 1353543 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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