See also
Leydig cell tumor testicular Leydig cell tumor
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Genital system > Male genital system > Testis
paratesticular Leydig cell tumor
6 October 2010 -
testicular thecoma
10 September 2010Predisposition
nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syndrome) (#20223301#)
Testicular thecoma in an 11-year-old boy with nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syndrome). Ueda M, Kanematsu A, Nishiyama H, Yoshimura K, Watanabe K, Yorifuji T, Mikami Y, Kamoto T, Ogawa O. J Pediatr Surg. 2010 Mar;45(3):E1-3. PMID: #20223301# -
scrotal Müllerian serous cystadenoma
10 September 2010Müllerian serous cystadenoma of the scrotum
benign tumors of the rete testis
25 August 2010The rare benign tumors of the rete testis (grossly circumscribed neoplasms microscopically lined by bland cuboidal to columnar cells sometimes exhibiting transition with normal or hyperplastic epithelium) span a spectrum from solid proliferations of closely packed tubules (adenoma) to those with a conspicuous cystic component (cystadenoma), a papillary architecture (papillary cystadenoma) or a fibromatous stromal component (adenofibroma).
A distinctive variant with solid tubules resembling (...) -
adenomatous rete testis hyperplasia
25 August 2010Adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis
non-neoplastic rete epithelial proliferations
25 August 2010Adenomatous rete testis hyperplasia
Real or apparent adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete occurs in association with various testicular abnormalities, most frequently testicular atrophy.
In these cases, the appearance is probably one of relative prominence rather than a ’true’ hyperplasia, but the distinction between hyperplasia and relative prominence is arbitrary.
Bona fide hyperplasia is usually an incidental finding and is grossly manifest as a solid or cystic mass in less than half of (...) -
tumors of the rete testis
25 August 2010rete testis tumors
testicular sex-cord tumors
25 August 2010sex-cord tumors of the testis
unclassified sex cord-stromal tumors
25 August 2010USCSTs
sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor of the rete testis
25 August 2010Sex cord-stromal tumors (SCSTs) represent approximately 3% of testicular neoplasms and are rare outside the testicle.
In the testis, approximately one-half of sex cord-stromal tumors are Leydig cell tumors, with the remainder including Sertoli cell tumors, Granulosa cell tumors, mixed tumors, and tumors of uncertain or indeterminate differentiation (unclassified sex or undifferentiated SCSTs).
Undifferentiated SCSTs are comprised of elements which cannot, at the light microscopic level, (...)
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