The transmission of infectious microbes via bioaerosols is of significant concern for both human and animal health.
Bioaerosols and Transmission, a Diverse and Growing Community of Practice. 2019
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Respiratory system
Respiratory system
14 July 2020 -
15 April 2020sneezing
Sneezes play an important part in the spread of infections, but we don’t know a huge amount about how they work. Lydia Bourouiba’s lab at MIT is trying to change that, using slow motion footage and other measurements to study the fluid dynamics of sneezing.
References -
CPAM type 0
5 April 2012CCAM type 0 (congenital acinar dysplasia, congenital acinar aplasia)
CCAM type 0 (congenital acinar dysplasia, congenital acinar aplasia) (1-3%) (neonates, other malformations, poor prognosis)
solid appearance
small and firm lungs
bronchial-type airways with cartilage, smooth muscle and glands separated by abundant mesenchymal tissue
CPAM, type 0, also known as "acinar dysplasia" or "acinar agenesis", is a rarely occurring, infrequently described malformation that is largely (...) -
pulmonary and pleural tumors
2 January 2012Lung and pleural neoplasms
pulmonary tumors
pleural tumors
Lung and pleural neoplasms at thet Yale Rosen Collection
See also
Tumors -
bronchopulmonary congenital anomalies
9 March 2011congenital anomalies of the bronchopulmonary system
pediatric interstitial lung diseases
31 July 2008interstitial lung diseases in chilren; ChILD; PILD; pediatric interstitial lung disease
respiratory tract
12 September 2007Videos
Histology of the trachea
See also
respiratory system -
pulmonary SLE
17 May 2007Definition: Pulmonary lesions in systemic lupus erythematosus
diffuse alveolar damage (DAD)
diffuse alveolar hemorrhages (DAH)
pulmonary vasculitis
macrophagic panbronchiolitis intense macrophage infiltration diffuse panbronchiolitis-like lesions (DPB-like lesions)
See also
Visceral involvement in systemic lupus erythema- tosus (SLE) renal lesions -
allergic respiratory diseases
5 February 2006References
Reed CE, Kita H. The role of protease activation of inflammation in allergic respiratory diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Nov;114(5):997-1008; PMID: #15536399# -
respiratory failure
23 January 2006See also
respiratory system
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