intraductal papilloma central papilloma peripheral papilloma atypical papilloma
intraductal papillary carcinoma
intracystic papillary carcinoma
See also
mammary epithelial anomalies intraductal anomalies
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Female genital system > Breast
Adj. mammary
intraductal papillary anomalies
17 April 2017 -
ductal anomalies
17 April 2017intraductal anomalies
intraductal proliferative anomalies
intraductal papillary anomalies
See also
mammary epithelial anomalies -
intraductal proliferative anomalies
17 April 2017intraductal proliferative lesions
UDH : usual ductal hyperplasia
FEA : flat epithelial atypia
ADH : atypical ductal hyperplasia
DCIS : ductal carcinoma in situ low-grade DCIS intermediate-grade DCIS high-grade DCIS
microinvasive ductal carcinoma
USCAP: 90 Minutes of Dr. Stuart J. Schnitt’s Session: Intraductal Proliferative Lesions, Microinvasion, and Columnar Cell Lesions (...) -
displaced epithelium
16 April 2017Images
Displaced epithelium https://twitter.com/VandaTorousMD/status/842808716898582529
Paywall references
Benign breast lesions that mimic malignancy.
Torous VF, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC.
Pathology. 2017 Feb;49(2):181-196. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2016.12.002. Epub 2017 Jan 6.
PMID: #28069257# -
benign breast anomalies mimicking malignancy
16 April 2017Benign breast lesions that mimic malignancy
displaced epithelium
Paywall references
Benign breast lesions that mimic malignancy.
Torous VF, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC.
Pathology. 2017 Feb;49(2):181-196. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2016.12.002. Epub 2017 Jan 6.
PMID: #28069257# -
monomorphic-type atypia
16 April 2017See also
columnar cell anomalies -
columnar cell hyperplasia
16 April 2017See also
columnar cell anomalies -
ductal cellular stratification
16 April 2017Types
simple cellular stratification columnar cell hyperplasia flat epithelial hyperplasia
complex cellular stratification (arcades , roman bridges , micropapillae ) atypical ductal hyperplasia DCIS : ductal carcinoma in situ
See also
columnar cell anomalies -
columnar cell change
16 April 2017See also
columnar cell anomalies -
mammary columnar cell anomalies
16 April 2017mammary columnar cell lesions ; mammary columnar lesions ; Columnar cell lesion with or without atypia
columnar cell lesion without atypia
columnar cell lesion with atypia
cellular stratification simple complex
cytological monomorphic-type atypia
FEA : flat epithelial atypia
See also
mammary anomalies
mammary pathology
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