enlarged acini
dilated acini
globoid appearance of the dilated acini
dilated acini contain secretions
dilated acini are lined by cells with rounded nuclei with
an increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
The acini are lined by several layers of luminal epithelial cells with loss of a polar arrangement.
myoepithelial cells are present, but not prominent.
Apocrine snouts are observed in most acini.
conspicuous absence of architectural features diagnostic of (...)
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Female genital system > Breast
Adj. mammary
columnar cell lesion with atypia
14 October 2020 -
cellular bridge
14 October 2020Etiology
usual hyperplasia
atypical hyperplasia
mammary acinar cells
14 October 2020Variants
columnar lining cells elongated prominent apical snouts normal basolateral polarity
myoepithelial cells / myoepithelial layer -
calcifying secretions
14 October 2020 -
enlarged acini
14 October 2020Variants
regular contours
irregular contours -
intralobular connective tissue
14 October 2020Anomalies
fibrosis / intralobular connective tissue fibrotic
See also
mammary components -
mammary acini
14 October 2020mammary acinus
dilatation / dilated acini
undulating contours
coalescing acini
lining : lined by a single epithelial cell layer of columnar cells lined by a single epithelial cell layer, usually of cuboidal cells or apocrine cells no atypia : small nuclei , no nucleoli or atypia : large nuclei , nucleoli / nucleolation
intralobular connective tissue fibrotic
See also
mammary lobule / mammary (...) -
14 October 2020mammary lobular unit ; terminal duct lobular unit TDLU
Lined by columnar cells that maintain basolateral polarity
Anomalies - Examples
enlargment / enlarged lobular unit
See also
mammary gland -
mammary connective tissue
14 October 2020specialized connective tissue
See also
mammary components anatomical components tissular components -
mammary lobulated anomalies
14 October 2020lobulated mass
with septations
See also
mammary anomalies