See also
surgical procedure
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Male genital system
Male genital system
22 March 2020 -
male genital system
4 February 2018|WKP|
The male reproductive system consists of a number of sex organs that play a role in the process of human reproduction. These organs are located on the outside of the body and within the pelvis.
The main male sex organs are the penis and the testicles which produce semen and sperm, which, as part of sexual intercourse, fertilize an ovum in the female’s body; the fertilized ovum (zygote) develops into a fetus, which is later born as an infant.
The corresponding system in females is (...) -
vas deferens
4 February 2018WKP
Definition : The vas deferens, also called ductus deferens, is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates; these vasa transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in anticipation of ejaculation. It is a partially coiled tube which exits the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal. -
paratesticular serous borderline tumor
30 May 2016Serous borderline tumor of paratestis
See also
paratesticular tumors -
non-obstructive azoospermia
3 January 2012Susceptibility loci
A genome-wide association study in Chinese men identifies three risk loci for non-obstructive azoospermia. Hu Z, Xia Y, Guo X, Dai J, Li H, Hu H, Jiang Y, Lu F, Wu Y, Yang X, Li H, Yao B, Lu C, Xiong C, Li Z, Gui Y, Liu J, Zhou Z, Shen H, Wang X, Sha J. Nat Genet. 2011 Dec 25. doi: 10.1038/ng.1040. PMID: #22197933# -
3 January 2012Types
obstructive azoospermia
non-obstructive azoospermia -
paratesticular angiomyofibroblastoma
20 December 2011Angiomyofibroblastoma is a rare, benign, mesenchymal tumour occurring mainly in the female genital tract, and more rarely, in males.
well circumscribed mass
small spindle cells without atypia within a fibrous and myxoid stroma
scattered mononuclear inflammatory cells around the capillaries of the stroma.
smooth muscle actin+
oestrogen receptor-
progesterone receptor-
Paratesticular (...) -
epididymal leiomyoma
20 December 2011See also
paratesticular leiomyoma
Epididymal leiomyoma: an unusual intrascrotal tumor in a child. Ozden O, Orhan D, Karnak I. J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Sep;44(9):e5-7. PMID: #19735806# -
paratesticular leiomyoma
20 December 2011juxtatesticular leiomyoma
bilateral paratesticular leiomyoma
20 December 2011bilateral juxtatesticular leiomyoma
complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) (#16950754#, #16236398#)
R831X mutation of the androgen receptor gene in an adolescent with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome and bilateral testicular hamartomata. Goulis DG, Iliadou PK, Papanicolaou A, Georgiou I, Chatzikyriakidou A, Gerou S, Bondis IN, Papadimas I. Hormones (Athens). 2006 Jul-Sep;5(3):200-4. Erratum in: Hormones (Athens). 2006 Oct-Dec;5(4):following 311. (...)