enlarged histiocytes
Home > D. General pathology > Blood and immunity
Blood and immunity
Hematologic disorders
enlarged macrophages
2 May 2004 -
Castleman disease
27 April 2004Castleman’ s disease
plasmacytoid monocytes
27 April 2004interferon-producing cells (IPCs), PMOs , plasmacytoid T cells or predendritic cells (DC2)
Th1 CD4+ T lymphocytes
14 April 2004References
Bradley LM. CD4+ cell memory: the enigma of Th1 cells. Trends Mol Med. 2003 May;9(5):186-8. PMID: #12763522# -
CD4+ lymphocytes
14 April 2004References
Bradley LM. CD4+ cell memory: the enigma of Th1 cells. Trends Mol Med. 2003 May;9(5):186-8. PMID: #12763522# -
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
6 April 2004ALPS, Canale-Smith syndrome
interfollicular large B cells
15 March 2004References
Marafioti T, Jones M, Facchetti F, Diss TC, Du MQ, Isaacson PG, Pozzobon M, Pileri SA, Strickson AJ, Tan SY, Watkins F, Mason DY. Phenotype and genotype of interfollicular large B cells, a subpopulation of lymphocytes often with dendritic morphology. Blood. 2003 Oct 15;102(8):2868-76. Epub 2003 Jun 26. PMID: #12829584# -
B lymphocytes
15 March 2004B-cells
dendritic histiocytoses
15 March 2004 -
virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome
12 March 2004Associations
disseminated perivenular nodules of bland necrosis with extravasation of vascular contents (#3005155#)
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