MLH1 partners with PMS2 , and MSH2 partners with MSH6.
MLH1 and MSH2 are the dominant partners, so if one of these is lost, it’s partner will be lost too. If the non-dominant partner is lost, the dominant partner will remain.
If PMS2 is lost, the IHC results will be: MLH1 positive, PMS2 negative, MSH2 positive, and MSH6 positive.
If MMR mutations are present, microsatellite DNA (repetitive DNA) will be prone to mutation - this is measured by PCR, with greater than 2 of 5 tested (...)
Home > Technical section > MMR testing
MMR testing
17 June 2017 -
pentaplex MSI test
14 November 2016pentaplex MSI analysis system
Open references
Screening for Lynch Syndrome in Young Colorectal Cancer Patients from Saudi Arabia Using Microsatellite Instability as the Initial Test. Alqahtani M, Grieu F, Carrello A, Amanuel B, Mashour M, Alattas R, Saleh K, Alsheikh A, Alqahtani S, Iacopetta B. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(4):1917-23. PMID: #27221876# Free
Low-Level Microsatellite Instability as a Potential Prognostic Factor in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer. Lee SY, Kim DW, Lee HS, (...) -
MMR testing in endometrial carcinoma
14 November 2016, by adminMMR testing in endometrial cancer
microsatellite instability (MSI) analysis MSI (pentaplex panel)
immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of MMR protein expression MMR protein expression (IHC) A PMS2- and MSH6-antibody panel detected all cases with loss of MMR protein expression. The results of MSI and MMR protein expression are concordant in 655/696 cases. MSI and IHC analysis are highly concordant in endometrial cancer. This holds true for cases with subclonal loss of MMR (...) -
MLH1 loss of expression
31 May 2016Images
MLH1 loss of expression
See also
MMR testing -
mismatch repair immunohistochemical patterns
30 May 2016MMR immunohistochemical patterns
Universal screening for Lynch syndrome through mismatch repair (MMR) immunohistochemistry (IHC) on tumor samples has brought to light several heterogenous MMR staining patterns.
Colorectal adenocarcinoma
Universal testing for all patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma age 70 or younger.
Testing surgical resection or biopsy specimen using IHC, PCR and/or both.
For loss of MLH1 protein expression, perform MLH1 hypermethylation and/or BRAF V600E (...)