Hepatocellular carcinomas exhibit heterogeneous morphologies by routine light microscopy. Although some morphologies represent insignificant variations in growth patterns, others may represent unrecognized subtypes of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Identification of these subtypes could lead to separation of hepatocellular carcinomas into discrete groups with unique underlying genetic changes, prognosis, or therapeutic responses.
This subtype was characterized by a unique and consistent set of (...)
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Digestive system > Liver and pancreatobiliary system > Liver
chromophobe hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt anaplasia
10 May 2013 -
melanoma hepatic metastasis
5 April 2013melanoma metastasis to the liver
Digital cases
Malignant Melanoma, Liver FNA by Ed Euthman -
hepatic carcinomas
7 February 2013hepatic maligant epithelial tumors; maligant epithelial tumors of the liver
hepatic maligant epithelial tumors hepatocellular carcinoma hepatoblastoma cholangiocarcinoma cholangiocellular carcinoma hepatic cystadenocarcinoma hepatic squamous cell carcinoma
Various factors are involved in the oncogenesis and progression of malignant liver tumors:
In chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, the repeated cell division and turnover increases the rate of possible mutations (...) -
hepatic epithelial tumors
7 February 2013liver epithelial tumors; epithelial tumors of the liver
hepatic benign epithelial tumors hepatocellular adenoma hepatocellular adenomatosis
hepatic maligant epithelial tumors hepatocellular carcinoma hepatoblastoma cholangiocarcinoma cholangiocellular carcinoma hepatic cystadenocarcinoma hepatic squamous cell carcinoma -
hepatic peritumoral hyperplasia
10 January 2013peritumoral hyperplasia of the liver
Several cases of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) or similar hyperplastic lesions have been reported adjacent to hepatic neoplasms, including hepatocellular carcinoma, epithelioid haemangioendothelioma and hepatoblastoma.
PTH is a hyperplastic response to increased blood flow in the peritumoral parenchyma.
The increased flow occurs when portal vein invasion by a hypervascular tumour causes arterio-portal shunting.
While PTH shares some morphological (...) -
hepatic Niemann-Pick disease
5 November 2012Niemann-Pick’s disease (Liver)
Digital slide
JRC:7267 : Niemann-Pick’s disease (Liver)
See also
JRC:6380 : Niemann-Pick’s disease (Lung)
JRC:6759 : Niemann-Pick’s disease (Kidney)
JRC:7801 : Niemann-Pick’s disease (Lymph node)
JRC:8328 : Niemann-Pick’s disease (CNS) -
hepatic mixed hamartoma
8 October 2012mixed hamartoma of the liver
Nesidioblastosis and mixed hamartoma of the liver in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: case study including analysis of H19 methylation and insulin-like growth factor 2 genotyping and imprinting. Fukuzawa R, Umezawa A, Morikawa Y, Kim KC, Nagai T, Hata J. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2001 Jul-Aug;4(4):381-90. PMID: #11441340# -
hepatic arterio-venous vascular malformation
18 June 2012hepatic arterio-venous vascular "fistula"
hepatic yolk sac tumor
23 April 2012Yolk sac carcinoma arising in liver
Digital case
JRC:18783 : Yolk sac tumor arising in liver
See also
yolk sac tumor
hepatic tumors (liver tumors) -
hepatic infarct-like necrosis
23 March 2012Infarct-like Necrosis of the liver
The response of colorectal adenocarcinoma liver metastases to perioperative chemotherapy can be assessed histologically in partial hepatectomy specimens. Necrosis in this scenario may represent a lack of treatment effect or a therapeutic response to chemotherapy.
Use of Tumor regression grade (TRG) did not demonstrate a significant difference in disease-free and overall survival.
An infarct-like necrosis (ILN) represents a form of treatment effect and (...)
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