"Solitary Macronucleoli" in glandular cells
"Solitary Macronucleoli" in glandular cells in endometrial adenocarcinoma https://twitter.com/sza_jhcyto/status/1432742487836086282
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Female genital system > Uterus > Uterine cervix > Cervical cytology - PAP smear
Cervical cytology - PAP smear
solitary macronucleoli in glandular cells
1 September 2021 -
reactive cells in cervical cytology
17 August 2020Examples
abundant cytoplasm
smooth nuclear contours
watery clear nucleus -
22 September 2019Definition : atypical squamous cells with high-grade lesions that cannot be excluded (ASC-H).
WHO : https://screening.iarc.fr/atlasglossdef.php?key=ASC-H&img
The Bethesda System 2001: ASC-H: atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high grade lesion. They represent less than 10% of ASC.
New term in ASC, to individualise cytologic changes of squamous cells that are suggestive of HSIL but lack criteria required for a definitive interpretation.
These cases are associated with a higher (...) -
keratinizing SCC
9 March 2019keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
https://twitter.com/okoyeojay/status/1104064183493107712 -
12 January 2019The cells of HSIL have a high N/C ratio with smaller cell size than found in LSIL. They are hyperchromatic and have irregular nuclear contours. HSIL does not typically show koilocytic change on cytology.
HSIL https://twitter.com/BellaMicheleang/status/784279128472117250 https://twitter.com/JMGardnerMD/status/841650655202803715 https://twitter.com/AliDessMD/status/1294830131240931328
H-SIL cells with "line of ants" appearance (...) -
Infections in PAP smear
12 January 2019See also
cervical cytology -
atypical squamous cell
12 January 2018atypical squamous cells; ASC
Atypical squamous cells - ASC represent cellular abnormalities more marked than simple reactive changes, but which do not meet the criteria for squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIL). These cells are not of typical appearance and are, therefore, atypical.
The Pap diagnosis of Atypical Squamous Cells (ASC) is the most common abnormal finding during cervical cancer screening and is reported in about 5 percent of all cervical screening tests.
There are two (...) -
cervical cytology
20 August 2017Cells
normal squamous cells
superficial squamous cells
flat basophilic cytoplasm
flat eosinophilic cytoplasm
intermediate squamous cells
parabasal squamous cells
metaplastic squamous cells
normal endocervical glandular cells
secretory cells / cluster of columnar endocervical cells
ciliated cells
naked nuclei of endocervical glandular cells
normal endometrial glandular cells
endometrial cells after 40 years
squamous metaplasia
mature squamous metaplasia (...) -
parabasal cells
24 April 2017Images
Parabasal cells during postpartum. Glycogen and low N/C ratio https://twitter.com/sam_albadri/status/861331220432605184 -
Cervical Adenocarcinoma In Situ on PAP test
27 March 2017cervical AIS
Open references
False-Negative Interpretation of Adenocarcinoma In Situ in the College of American Pathologists Gynecologic PAP Education Program
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