Definition : The tunica vaginalis is the pouch of serous membrane that covers the testes. It is derived from the vaginal process of the peritoneum, which in the fetus precedes the descent of the testes from the abdomen into the scrotum.
pachyvaginalitis fibrosis of the tunica vaginalis
cartilaginous bodies
filariasis elephantiasis of the scrotum
mesothelioma of the tunica (...)
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Male genital system > Testis > Tunica vaginalis
Tunica vaginalis
tunica vaginalis
18 August -
mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis
1 August 2012Open references
Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis: a series of eight cases with uncertain malignant potential. Brimo F, Illei PB, Epstein JI. Mod Pathol. 2010 Aug;23(8):1165-72. PMID: #20526287# [Free]