molecular genotyping of cancer
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Genetic anomalies
Tumoral genetics, Oncogenetics; Cancer molecular profiling; Molecualr and cytognetic anomalies
cancer genotyping
21 January 2007 -
SNP tumoral genotyping
18 November 2006cancer genotyping, SNP tumoral genotyping
clonal evolution
31 October 2005References
Nishimura T, Nishida N, Komeda T, Fukuda Y, Nakao K. Genotype stability and clonal evolution of hepatocellular carcinoma assessed by autopsy-based genome-wide microsatellite analysis. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2005 Sep;161(2):164-9. PMID: #16102588# -
MSH2-associated pediatric cancer syndrome
7 September 2005See also
MMR-associated pediatric cancer syndrome
MMR genes
MMR deficiency
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCCs)
A novel MSH2 germline mutation in homozygous state in two brothers with colorectal cancers diagnosed at the age of 11 and 12 years. Müller A, Schackert HK, Lange B, Rüschoff J, Füzesi L, Willert J, Burfeind P, Shah P, Becker H, Epplen JT, Stemmler S. Am J Med Genet A. 2006 Feb 1;140(3):195-9. PMID: (...) -
single-cell LOH detection
10 July 2005single-cell analysis of loss of heterozygosity
copy-neutral LOH
20 April 2005cn-LOH
clustering of minimal deleted regions
6 November 2004See also
minimal deleted region (MDR)
Jou YS, Lee CS, Chang YH, Hsiao CF, Chen CF, Chao CC, Wu LS, Yeh SH, Chen DS, Chen PJ. Clustering of minimal deleted regions reveals distinct genetic pathways of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2004 May 1;64(9):3030-6. PMID: 15126338 -
LOH database
15 September 2004LDHT
comparative genomic hybridization study of paraffin-embedded tumors
5 July 2004Exemples
Hostein I, Coindre JM, Derre J, Mariani O, Chibon F, Aurias A. Comparative genomic hybridization study of paraffin-embedded dedifferentiated liposarcoma fixed with Holland Bouin’s fluid. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2003 Sep;12(3):166-73. PMID: #12960699# -
4 March 2004cancer genetics