Definition : Verrucous hyperplasia (VH) is a rare exophytic oral mucosal lesion which can transform into verrucous carcinoma (VC), its malignant but clinically similar counterpart.
Verrucous hyperplasia is a premalignant exophytic oral mucosal lesion with a predominantly verrucous or papillary surface; this lesion can subsequently transform into verrucous carcinoma (VC), a well-established warty variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
Open references (...)
Home > F. Pathology by regions > Head and neck > Head > Mouth - Oral cavity
Mouth - Oral cavity
Adj. oral; buccal
oral verrucous hyperplasia
30 January -
oral pigmented lesions
27 October 2020Localization
gingival pigmented lesions -
chronic hyperplastic candidosis
23 March 2020Images
Chronic hyperplastic candidosis affecting the right buccal commissure of 50 yo smoker.
squamous cell epithelial hyperplasia
neutrophil microabscesses
fungal organisms in the keratin on PAS
See also
Candida sp.
Candida albicans
candidosis / candidiasis buccal candidosis -
oral squamous cell papilloma
13 December 2019oral squamous papilloma; oral malpighian cell papilloma
Definition : Oral squamous cell papilloma is a common intraoral benign epithelial neoplasm. 50% are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV 6 and 11). Others are probably reactive epithelial hyperplasia
Synopsis :
white-pink cauliflower-like surface projections
75% are less than 1 cm
fibrovascular cores surrounded by benign squamous epithelium (...) -
labial lipoblastoma-like tumor
18 October 2019Lipoblastoma-like tumour of the lip
Open references
Lipoblastoma-like tumour of the lip in an adult woman. Jeong TJ, Oh YJ, Ahn JJ, Shin MK, Kim NI. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010 Sep;90(5):537-8. doi:10.2340/00015555-0904. PMID: #20814641# -
oral keratosis
5 February 2019oral mucosa keratosis
See also
Open references
Frictional Keratosis, Contact Keratosis and Smokeless Tobacco Keratosis: Features of Reactive White Lesions of the Oral Mucosa. 2018 doi:10.1007/s12105-018-0986-3. -
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
18 December 2018CEOT PO
CEOT Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
sheets of polyhedral, eosinophilic squamous epithelial cells
epithelial cells arranged in trabeculae and sheets
cells show focal marked nuclear atypia but without increased mitotic activity
variable markedly pleomorphic cells with 2 - 3 nuclei
focal psammoma bodies / laminated calcifications The laminated calcifications are known as (...) -
oral plasma cell granuloma
14 November 2018Definition : An oral plasma cell granuloma (OPCG) is a rare reactive tumor such as proliferation composed chiefly of plasmacytic infiltrate. Both clinically and histopathologically, it may be misinterpreted as various pathological entities thus necessitating the complete evaluation of patient and proper histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue.
Plasma cell granuloma (PCG) is a rare, nonneoplastic lesion consisting of a proliferation of inflammatory cells (...) -
oral Herpes infections
21 August 2018buccal Herpes infections PO
mucosal vesicles or mucosal bullae with clear serous fluid
painful shallow ulcers
intracellualr edema and intercellular edema ( acantholysis )
intranuclear inclusions
multinucleate polykaryons (giant cells) -
oral focal epithelial hyperplasia
21 March 2018Heck’s disease PO
Definition: Focal epithelial hyperplasia is a discrete, recurrent papillary lesions on oral mucosa in Native American and Eskimo children, associated with HPV 1, 13, 32.
See also
epithelial hyperplasia
tubal epithelial anomalies