intractable diarrhoea, protracted diarrhea of infancy, intractable diarrhea
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Digestive system
Digestive system
gastrointestinal tract
neonatal enteropathies
10 August 2004 -
digestive aganglionosis
31 May 2004Definition: Lack of neuroganglionar cells in submucosal plexus or myenteric plexus.
digestive GVHD
31 May 2004Localization
esophageal GVHD
gastric GVHD
intestinal GVHD
colonic GVHD / colorectal GVHD
colonic GVHD / colorectal GVHD
Differential diagnosis
mycophenolate-associated colitis (#24076772#)
See also
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD ) digestive GVHD
Snover DC. Graft-versus-host disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Am J Surg Pathol. 1990;14 Suppl 1:101-8. PMID: (...) -
digestive glandulitis
31 May 2004Localization
gastric glandulitis
intestinal glandulitis (intestinal cryptitis)
colonic glandulitis (colonic cryptitis) -
digestive capillaritis
30 May 2004 -
enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis
26 May 2004mesenteric inflammatory veno-occlusive disease, mesenteric inflammatory veno-occlusive disease
digestive stromal polyps
28 April 2004Classification
benign fibroblastic polyp -
neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
6 April 2004NNEC, necrotizing enterocolitis of the neonate
digestive epithelia
18 March 2004References
Clayburgh DR, Shen L, Turner JR. A porous defense: the leaky epithelial barrier in intestinal disease. Lab Invest. 2004 Mar;84(3):282-91. PMID: #14767487#
Ku NO, Zhou X, Toivola DM, Omary MB. The cytoskeleton of digestive epithelia in health and disease. Am J Physiol. 1999 Dec;277(6 Pt 1):G1108-37. PMID: #10600809# -
anomalies of digestive system development
18 March 2004anomalies of digestive development
0 | ... | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350