digestive stenosis digestive atresia
anomalies of digestive mucus viscous digestive mucus digestive mucous plug
See also
digestive content digetsive content anomalies
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Digestive system
Digestive system
gastrointestinal tract
digestive lumen
9 February 2005 -
digestive cystic fibrosis
9 February 2005Definition: Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal autosomal recessive disease in white populations, is characterized by dysfunctional chloride ion transport across epithelial surfaces.
Although recurrent pulmonary infections and pulmonary insufficiency are the principal causes of morbidity and death, gastrointestinal symptoms commonly precede the pulmonary findings and may suggest the diagnosis in infants and young children.
The protean gastrointestinal manifestations of CF result (...) -
viscous digestive mucus
9 February 2005Etiology
digestive cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) -
digestive mucus
9 February 2005Anomalies
viscous digestive mucus digestive cystic fibrosis
digestive mucous plug
viscous digestive mucus in digestive cystic fibrosis -
subserosal calcifications
9 February 2005Etiology
meconial peritonitis fetal cystic fibrosis -
subserosal lesions
9 February 2005Types (exemples)
subserosal inflammation
subserosal cellular infiltration
subserosal calcifications -
9 February 2005Adj. subserosal
lymphomatous polyposis
31 January 2005Image
Mantle cell lymphoma of GI tract (lymphomatous polyposis)
digestive mantle cell lymphoma
Moynihan MJ, Bast MA, Chan WC, Delabie Jan, Wickert RS, Wu G, Weisenburger DD. Lymphomatous polyposis. A neoplasm of either follicular mantle or germinal center cell origin. Am J Surg Pathol. 1996 Apr;20(4):442-52. PMID: (...) -
CMV gastroenteritis
27 January 2005CMV gastrointestinal infections
digestive atresias
18 January 2005Types
oesophageal atresia
intestinal atresia duodenal atresia jejunal atresia ileal atresia
ileaocaecal atresia
colonic atresia
anorectal atresia
See also
Atresia (atresias)
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