linear inflammatory indurations on the lateral aspects of the trunk (the rope sign)
plaques and papules have been reported
Altaykan A, Erkin G, Boztepe G, Gokoz A. Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis with arthritis. Hum Pathol. 2004 Jul;35(7):892-4. PMID: #15257555#
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Skin
Adj. cutaneous
interstitial granulomatous dermatitis with arthritis
23 August 2004 -
cutaneous vasculitis
12 August 2004Digital cases
Case 198 (HPC:198): Cutaneous eosinophilic vasculitis in Churg-Strauss disease Digital cases
UI:634 - Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Polyarteritis nodosa : fibrinoid necrosis and neutrophils infiltrating the medium-sized vessels in the deep dermis and subcutis
Lesional patterns
leukocytoclastic vasculitis
lymphocytic vasculitis
neutrophilic vasculitis
necrotizing vasculitis
granulomatous (...) -
cutaneous follicular tumors
9 August 2004hair follicle-related tumors; Skin adnexal neoplasms and neoplastic‐like lesions of pilosebaceous origin
Hyperplastic and hamartomatous lesions basaloid follicular hamartoma basaloid epidermal proliferation overlying dermal mesenchymal lesions trichofolliculoma folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma trichodiscoma / fibrofolliculoma pilar sheath acanthoma
Benign neoplasms trichofolliculoma desmoplastic trichoepithelioma trichoblastoma trichoblastic fibroma trichoadenoma (...) -
recurrent nevus
8 July 2004Differential:
malignant melanoma
dysplastic nevus
Return to: melanocytic tumors -
lentigo simplex
8 July 2004The simple lentigo is a brown to black, sharply circumscribed and usually uniformly pigmented macule, measuring a few millimeters in diameter. It may be found anywhere on the body surface.
The term ‘labial melanotic macule’ is now used for a clinically similar lesion on the lip that was previously referred to as a lentigo.
There is variable basal hyperpigmentation with an increased number of single melanocytes in the basal layer.
There is usually acanthosis, with regular (...) -
dysplastic nevus
8 July 2004melanocytic dysplastic nevi, compound Clarks nevus
actinic keratosis
6 July 2004solar keratosis, senile keratosis, pre-epitheliomatous keratosis WKP
Digital cases
UI:906 - Actinic keratosis.
UI:917 - Actinic keratosis.
UI:1826- Actinic keratosis.
JRC:10567 : Actinic keratosis.
JRC:10569 : Actinic keratosis.
Definition: Actinic keratosis is a premalignant condition of thick, scaly, or crusty patches of skin
It is more common in fair-skinned people and it is associated with those who are frequently exposed to the sun, as it is usually accompanied by (...) -
halo nevus
5 July 2004Compound nevus with halo reaction
solar lentigo
5 July 2004Differential diagnosis
lentigo maligna
lentigo simplex
See also
melanocytic tumors -
cutaneous fibrous tumors
2 July 2004superficial fibrous tumors
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