shrunken centroids
Home > Technical section > Biology > Molecular biology > Microarrays
shrunken centroid
11 October 2011 -
differential expression
11 October 2011differential expression in microarray experiments
microarrays and cancer
15 February 2008references
Cowell JK, Hawthorn L. The application of microarray technology to the analysis of the cancer genome. Curr Mol Med. 2007 Feb;7(1):103-20. Review. PMID: #17311536# -
HD2 arrays
4 December 2007NimbleChip™ HD2 Arrays
10 June 2007Videos
Microarray printinting -
1 June 2007representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis (ROMA)
protein profiling
29 March 2007See also
protein microarrays -
protein microarrays
29 March 2007See also
Microarrays protein profiling -
oligonucleotide microarrays
20 February 2007single-channel microarrays
spotted microarrays
20 February 2007two-channel micoarrays, two-colour microarrays
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