Lymphatic vessel WKP
Definition : In anatomy, lymphatic vessels (or lymph vessels or lymphatics) are thin-walled vessels structured like blood vessels, that carry lymph. As part of the lymphatic system, lymph vessels are complementary to the cardiovascular system. Lymph vessels are lined by endothelial cells, and have a thin layer of smooth muscle, and adventitia that bind the lymph vessels to the surrounding tissue.
Lymph vessels are devoted to the propulsion of the lymph from the (...)
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Cardiovascular system > Vessels
Blood vessels
lymphatic vessels
4 February 2018 -
blood vessels
4 February 2018Adj. vascular WKP
Definition : The blood vessels are the part of the circulatory system, and microcirculation, that transports blood throughout the human body.
There are three major types of blood vessels: the arteries, which carry the blood away from the heart; the capillaries, which enable the actual exchange of water and chemicals between the blood and the tissues; and the veins, which carry blood from the capillaries back toward the heart.
The word vascular, meaning relating to (...) -
20 June 2017Images
Endothelialitis in acute hepatic allograft rejection -
activated endothelial cells
20 June 2017Images
CMV-associated esophageal ulceration contains thrombosed vessels , macrophages , and activated endothelial cells surrounded by neutrophils. -
thrombosed vessels
20 June 2017Images
CMV-associated esophageal ulceration contains thrombosed vessels , macrophages , and activated endothelial cells surrounded by neutrophils. -
arterial thrombus
5 July 2016coronary blood clot
huge blood clot removed from a coronary artery of a young patient
coronary thrombus
See also
arterial anomalies -
subendothelial foamy cells
20 May 2016Images
in allograft chronic rejection liver allograft : centrolobular vein vasculopathy bowel allograft : obliterative vasculopathy
Subendothelial foamy cells can be a carcinoma-related anomaly
See also
vascular anomalies endothelial anomalies subendothelial anomalies
Selby DM, Rudzki JR, Bayever ES, Chandra RS. Vasculopathy of small muscular arteries in (...) -
acute medial dissection of the ascending aorta
5 July 2013The histologic reaction in the adventitia to aortic dissections may be relevant to dating the onset of symptoms and to providing insight into pathogenesis.
Adventitial inflammation is prominent soon after intimal injury in aortic dissections before rupture of the false lumen. The pattern of inflammation is distinct from aortitis and can be used to date early aortic dissections.
See also
arterial dissection
Acute Medial Dissection of the Ascending Aorta: Evolution of (...) -
capillary and venular malformation
27 February 2012capillary and venular vascular malformation
Digital cases - Digital slides
HPC:419 : Intramuscular capillary and venular vascular malformation
See also
vascular malformations (vascualr dysplasia) -
rheumatoid vasculitis
2 July 2011Digital slides
UI:626 - Rheumatoid vasculitis
See also
rheumatoid polyarthritis
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