Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A
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Peripheral nerves
Adj. Nervous
3 April 2005 -
paraproteinemic neuropathies
10 December 2004References
Vital A. Paraproteinemic neuropathies. Brain Pathol. 2001 Oct;11(4):399-407. PMID: #11556684#
Simmons Z. Paraproteinemia and neuropathy. Curr Opin Neurol. 1999 Oct;12(5):589-95. PMID: #10590896# -
endoneurial fibroblasts
28 October 2004Immunochemistry
CD34 + -
nervous development
28 May 2004Références
Carmeliet P. Blood vessels and nerves: common signals, pathways and diseases. Nat Rev Genet. 2003 Sep;4(9):710-20. PMID: #12951572# -
genetic neuropathies
26 May 2004hereditary neuropathies, inherited peripheral neuropathy, inherited neuropathies, distal hereditary motor neuropathies
neural diseases
26 May 2004neuropathies
distal hereditary motor neuropathy
11 May 2004Etiology
distal hereditary motor neuropathy type II linked to chromosome 12q24.3: mutations in small heat-shock 22-kDa protein 8 (HSPB8 or HSP22) (#15122253#) -
hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2
5 April 2004HSAN type II, HSAN2
perineurial cells
18 March 2004Immunochemistry
perineurioma sclerosing perineurioma -
peripheral nerves
11 February 2004The principal structural component of peripheral nerve is the nerve fiber (an axon with its Schwann cells and myelin sheath).
A nerve consists of numerous fibers that are grouped into fascicles by connective tissue sheaths. Myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers are intermingled within the fascicle.
In the sural nerve, the nerve that is most commonly examined by biopsy and a relatively pure sensory nerve, myelinated fibers range between 2 and 16 μm in diameter and have a bimodal (...)