acrorenal malformative association
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Malformative associations
acrorenal malformation association
6 April 2006 -
midline defect associations
28 March 2006Types
spina bifida-omphalocele association
trisomy 18
Khoury MJ, Cordero JF, Mulinare J, Opitz JM. Selected midline defect associations: a population study. Pediatrics. 1989 Aug;84(2):266-72. PMID: #2748254# -
radial ray defects, omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia, and hepatic cyst association
13 March 2006Gershoni-Baruch syndrome
sirenomelia and situs anomalies
13 March 2006sirenomelia and situs inversus. sirenomelia and heterotaxy
9 February 2006gonadal agenesis, encephalocele, spina bifida, omphalocele (GAESBO)
dextrocardia-cystic renal dysplasia association
5 January 2006Kramer-Zucker et al. recently showed that cilia of larval zebrafish kidney tubules have a 9+2 configuration and are motile. Disruption of cilia structure or motility resulted in pronephric cyst formations, with left-right asymmetry defects.
nephronophthisis type 2 (NPHP2) is caused by germline mutations in the inversin gene (INVS) (MIM.243305)(#12872123#)
Mutations in INVS in infantile NPHP that results in both situs inversus and cardiac septal defects in humans, mice and zebrafish. (...) -
spina bifida-omphalocele association
15 December 2005omphalocele-spina bifida association
19 April 2005VATER association with hydrocephaly, VACTERL association with hydrocephaly
MURCS association
13 October 2004MURCS (Mullerian abnormalities, renal agenesis/ectopy and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia)
malformative associations
13 October 2004Exemples
CHARGE association
MURCS association (MIM.601076)
VATER association (VACTERL association)
16.3% of genomic rearrangements (#15689449#)
Le Caignec C, Boceno M, Saugier-Veber P, Jacquemont S, Joubert M, David A, Frebourg T, Rival JM. Detection of genomic imbalances by array based comparative genomic hybridisation in fetuses with multiple malformations. J Med Genet. 2005 Feb;42(2):121-8. PMID: (...)