situs inversus totalis
cleft epiglottis and larynx
hexadactyly of hands and feet
pancreatic cystic dysplasia (pancreatic dysplasia, pancreatic dysgenesis)
bilateral non-obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BNOMRD)
renal agenesis
micropenis and ambiguous genitalia, imperforate anus) (#2596528#)
See also
malformative syndromes
Fraser FC, Jequier S, Chen MF. Chondrodysplasia, situs inversus totalis, cleft (...)
Home > D. General pathology > Genetic and developmental anomalies > Malformative associations
Malformative associations
Fraser-Jequier-Chen syndrome
12 January 2007 -
multicystic renal dysplasia with situs inversus totalis
12 January 2007bilateral non-obstrcuctive multicystic renal dysplasia and heterotaxy (heterotaxia), BNOMRD and heterotaxy, BNOMRD and situs inversus totalis
association Hirschsprung disease-neuroblastoma
19 December 2006Synopsis
familial neuroblastoma (#8950328#)
hypoventilation (Ondine syndrome)
germline PHOX2B mutations
Trochet D, O’Brien LM, Gozal D, Trang H, Nordenskjold A, Laudier B, Svensson PJ, Uhrig S, Cole T, Niemann S, Munnich A, Gaultier C, Lyonnet S, Amiel J. PHOX2B genotype allows for prediction of tumor risk in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Mar;76(3):421-6. PMID: #15657873#
Trochet D, Bourdeaut F, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Deville (...) -
polysplenia and hypoplastic left heart association
8 December 2006polysplenia and hypoplastic left heart syndrome
TACRD association
1 December 2006TACRD association is an extremely rare condition composed of tracheal agenesis, cardiac, renal and duodenal malformations. It is distinct from the more common VACTERL association of which tracheo-esophageal fistula and not tracheal agenesis is a part.
TACRD association has complex internal malformations and lacks the external skeletal manifestations of VACTERL association.
tracheal agenesis
duodenal malformations
Differential diagnosis
VACTERL association (...) -
male pseudohermaphroditism, hypoplastic left ventricle, lung aplasia, horseshoe kidney, and diaphragmatic hernia
9 November 2006Synopsis
male pseudohermaphroditism
left ventricle hypoplasia (hypoplastic left ventricle)
pulmonary aplasia (lung aplasia)
horseshoe kidney
diaphragmatic hernia
Maaswinkel-Mooij PD, Stokvis-Brantsma WH. Phenotypically normal girl with male pseudohermaphroditism, hypoplastic left ventricle, lung aplasia, horseshoe kidney, and diaphragmatic hernia. Am J Med Genet. 1992 Mar 1;42(5):647-8. PMID: (...) -
renal agenesis, ureteral ectopia into seminal vesicle, vas deferens agenesis and hemivertebra
9 November 2006SYnopsis
renal agenesis
ureteral ectopia into seminal vesicle
vas deferens agenesis
See also
caudal regression syndrome (CRS)
Aragona F, D’Urso L, Valotto C, Milani C, Calabro A. Renal agenesis, ureteral ectopia into seminal vesicle, vas deferens agenesis and hemivertebra: an incomplete form of caudal regression syndrome? Int Urol Nephrol. 1997;29(4):403-10. PMID: (...) -
anorectal agenesis with unilateral renal agenesis
27 October 2006Comments: Urologic congenital anomalies are well known to be common in children with ano-rectal malformations. The higher the ano-rectal malformation; the higher the incidence of urologic anomalies (25-50%).
Renal agenesis is observed in 8% of anorectal malformations.
Case records
Case 10645
See also
anorectal malformations
VATER association (VACTERL association) -
lumbosacral agenesis with situs inversus totalis
27 October 2006caudal regression syndrome with heterotaxy, lumbosacral agenesis with heterotaxy
sirenomelia-ectrodactyly association
29 May 2006See also
radial ray defects