foveolae, gastric pits
Definition : The mucous cell-lined channels in the upper mucosa that open onto the surface and to which the gastric glands connect from below. The foveolae and their associated mucus-secreting surface epithelium appear similar everywhere in the stomach. They are longer in the antrum than in the corpus.
See also
foveolar (...)
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Digestive system > Stomach
Adj. gastric
11 November 2005 -
follicular gastritis
11 November 2005Digital case
HPC:311 : Follicular gastritis and active chronic gastritis, non-atrophical, Helicobacter pylori-associated
Definition: Chronic gastritis in which there are large numbers of prominent lymphoid follicles in addition to the mononuclear infiltrate. Because H. pylori infection is also regularly present, it is considered the underlying cause of follicular gastritis. -
diffuse antral gastritis
11 November 2005DAG, nonatrophic antrum-predominant gastritis
corporal mucosa
11 November 2005corpus mucosa, corpus, oxyntic mucosa
11 November 2005Definition: The cardia is the most proximal section of the stomach. The cardia begins at the gastroesophageal junction (normally identifiable as the Z-line) and continues for one to a few centimeters distally to the cardio-oxyntic transitional zone. Histologically, it is lined by the cardiac mucosa.
See also
cardiac mucosa -
cardiac mucosa
11 November 2005Definition: The cardiac mucosa is the type of mucosa that lines the region of the cardia. It has antral-like glands, but unlike antral mucosa, there are no G cells. Scattered oxyntic glands may be present in the most distal portions of the cardia where it merges with the corpus.
See also
Stomach gastric mucosa -
body mucosa
11 November 2005oxyntic mucosa
gastric body
11 November 2005gastric corpus. Adj. corporal
antral mucosa
11 November 2005pyloric mucosa
Definition: The antral mucosa (Synonym: pyloric mucosa) is the mucosa found in the gastric antrum.
Its characteristic feature is presence of coiled and branching antral glands.
These are lined by mucus cells that are interspersed with endocrine cells (chiefly G and D types), and a few parietal cells.
The parietal cells are most numerous proximally near the oxynto-antral border.
The foveolar component is taller in the antral mucosa than in the oxyntic mucosa.
Components (...) -
11 November 2005pyloric antrum, gastric antrum
Definition: The gastric antrum (Synonyms: pyloric antrum) is the distal ¼ to ⅓ of the stomach, extending distally from the corpus to the pyloric channel and duodenum distally. The antrum is lined by the antral mucosa.
Pyloric antrum (antrum, lesser cul-de-sac) is the initial portion of the pyloric part of the stomach. It is near the bottom of the stomach, proximal to the pyloric sphincter, which separates the stomach and the duodenum.
It may temporarily (...)
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