The early and frequent occurrence of deletions at 3p21.3 in lung cancer has led to the consideration of this chromosomal region as a lung cancer (LUCA) critical region with tumor suppressor activity.
pulmonary carcinomas
neuroblastomas (14%) (#17064406#)
Target genes
RASSF1A on 3p21.3 (#17064406#)
See also
3p LOH 3p21 LOH
Elst A, Hiemstra BE, van der Vlies P, Kamminga W, van der Veen AY, Davelaar I, Terpstra P, te Meerman GJ, Gerbens F, Kok K, Buys CH. (...)
Home > G. Tumoral pathology > Molecular pathology of tumors > Genetic anomalies > LOH by regions
LOH by regions
3p21.3 LOH
3 September 2007 -
1p36.2 LOH
3 September 2007The distal part of 1p (1p36.2) is frequently deleted in aggressive neuroblastoma, and the region is believed to harbor one or more tumor suppressor genes relevant to tumor development.
Fransson S, Martinsson T, Ejeskar K. Neuroblastoma tumors with favorable and unfavorable outcomes: Significant differences in mRNA expression of genes mapped at 1p36.2. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Jan;46(1):45-52. PMID: (...) -
4p LOH
27 June 2007Subregions
4p16 LOH colorectal adenocarcinoma (40-49%) (#11230704#) cervical squamous cell carcinoma (25%-92%) bladder urothelial carcinoma (22%) (bladder cancer) (4p16.3) (#7970702#) bronchial squamous cell carcinoma 4p16 had been shown to be lost in the transition from carcinoma in situ to invasive tumor.
Banerjee AK, Read CA, Griffiths MH, George PJ, Rabbitts PH. Clonal divergence in lung cancer development is associated with allelic loss on chromosome 4. Genes (...) -
1p13 LOH
22 June 2007Tumors
Wilms tumor
Candidate genes
Natrajan R, Williams RD, Grigoriadis A, Mackay A, Fenwick K, Ashworth A, Dome JS, Grundy PE, Pritchard-Jones K, Jones C. Delineation of a 1Mb breakpoint region at 1p13 in Wilms tumors by fine-tiling oligonucleotide array CGH. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Jun;46(6):607-15. PMID: #17370329# -
9p23 LOH
21 June 2007Tumors
cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (#17420988#)
lung cancer
Candidate tumor suppressor genes
Purdie KJ, Lambert SR, Teh MT, Chaplin T, Molloy G, Raghavan M, Kelsell DP, Leigh IM, Harwood CA, Proby CM, Young BD. Allelic imbalances and microdeletions affecting the PTPRD gene in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas detected using single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Jul;46(7):661-9. PMID: (...) -
1p36.11 LOH
14 June 20071p36.11 is a region frequently deleted in human cancers.
Candidate genes
ARID1A (#17492758#)
Huang J, Zhao YL, Li Y, Fletcher JA, Xiao S. Genomic and functional evidence for an ARID1A tumor suppressor role. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 May 10;46(8):745-750 PMID: #17492758# -
11q21-q24 LOH
14 June 2007Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the distal half of chromosome arm 11q is frequent in a variety of human tumors, including breast cancer, and is often associated with poor prognosis.
Candidate tumor suppressor genes
Allinen M, Peri L, Kujala S, Lahti-Domenici J, Outila K, Karppinen SM, Launonen V, Winqvist R. Analysis of 11q21-24 loss of heterozygosity candidate target genes in breast cancer: indications of TSLC1 promoter (...) -
8p LOH
6 June 2007Tumors
urothelial carcinomas bladder carcinoma (bladder cancer) -
Chr.20 LOH
6 June 2007Tumors
colorectal adenocarcinoma (colorectal cancer) 20q LOH: 21.1% 20q LOH: 26.7% Whole Chr.20 LOH: 22.8%
high LOH frequency: 20p LOH 20q11-q13 LOH
See also
sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis -
11q13 LOH
7 May 2007Tumors
parathyroid adenoma
tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)