Tumor proteic biomarkers; Tumor protein biomarkers. Cancer Protein Biomarkers into the Clinic; cancer protein biomarkers
Cancer proteic biomarkers
The cancer proteic biomarkers are proteins found in the blood, tissues or urine that may be produced directly by a tumour or by other tissues in response to the presence of the tumour. They can therefore be used to screen for cancer and monitor the course of the disease.
See also
biomarker discovery
protein microarrays
cancer proteic (...)
Home > Technical section > Biomarkers
cancer protein biomarker
31 July 2012 -
tissue biomarkers
28 November 2011tissular biomarkers
quantification of oncology biomarkers
12 May 2010quantification of oncology biomarker
12 May 2010clinical biomarkers; biomarker
tissular biomarkers (tissue biomarkers)
plasma biomarkers (blood biomarkers)
cancer biomarkers
transplantation biomarkers
See also
quantification of oncology biomarkers
image analysis
pattern recognition
A tool to facilitate clinical biomarker studies—a tissue dictionary based on the Human Protein Atlas. Kampf C, Bergman J, Oksvold P, Asplund A, Navani S, Wiking M, Lundberg E, Uhlén M, Ponten F. BMC Med. 2012 (...) -
cancer biomarkers
22 April 2004Tumor biomarkers
Cancer proteic biomarkers
The cancer proteic biomarkers are proteins found in the blood, tissues or urine that may be produced directly by a tumour or by other tissues in response to the presence of the tumour. They can therefore be used to screen for cancer and monitor the course of the disease.
See also
biomarker discovery
protein microarrays
cancer proteic biomarkers
Hinestrosa MC, Dickersin K, Klein P, Mayer M, Noss K, Slamon D, Sledge G, Visco (...)