See :
granulomatous diseases example: sarcoidosis
tuberculoid granuloma
Home > D. General pathology
D. General pathology
tuberculoid granulomatous diseases
1 June 2004 -
epithelioid cells
26 April 2004Types
epithelioid macrophages sarcoid granuloma / tuberculoid granuloma
epithelioid tumor cells epithelioid tumors -
oxidative stress
14 April 2004oxydative stress
sudden infant death syndrome
6 April 2004SIDS
6 April 2004Definition: Hypoxia is a deficiency of oxygen, which causes cell injury by reducing aerobic oxidative respiration. Hypoxia is an extremely important and common cause of cell injury and cell death.
Although hypoxia is widely associated with adult pathologies such as cancer, it is also a physiological process that regulates cell differentiation during organogenesis.
Hypoxia and development
Low levels of oxygen (O2) occur naturally in developing embryos. Cells respond to their hypoxic (...) -
systemic pathology
7 March 2004Definition: Systemic pathology is the pathology of systems in the human body.
The classical textbook of pathology "Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease" is divided in two main parts: " general pathology " and " systemic pathology ".
We gave to systems pathology another meaning.
cutaneous pathology
digestive pathology
head and neck pathology
pulmonary pathology
genital pathology male genilal pathology female genital pathology
See also
general (...) -
palisading granuloma
29 December 2003palisaded granulomas
Definition: Palisading granulomas are a subtype of necrotizing granuloma in which the mononuclear phagocytes at the periphery have elongated or spindle-shaped nuclei that are palisaded and arranged roughly parallel to each other and roughly perpendicular to the edge of the central necrotic zone.
The most common are rheumatoid nodules and post-surgical necrobiotic granulomas occurring in the prostate, urinary bladder, and other sites.
Est ulcération They have also (...) -
10 November 2003References
Metz CN. Fibrocytes: a unique cell population implicated in wound healing. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2003 Jul;60(7):1342-50. PMID: #12943223# -
inflammatory process
3 November 2003Inflmammation
8 October 2003xanthogranulomatoses