Jonsson G, Sjoholm AG, Truedsson L, Bengtsson AA, Braconier JH, Sturfelt G. Rheumatological manifestations, organ damage and autoimmunity in hereditary C2 deficiency. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 Jul;46(7):1133-9. PMID: #17478473#
Home > D. General pathology
D. General pathology
hereditary C2 deficiency
30 August 2007 -
hereditary C1 inhibitor deficiency
30 August 2007C1INH deficiency
unclassified sudden infant death
28 May 2007unclassified sudden infant deaths
multifocal fibrosclerosis
22 May 2007Synopsis
pericardial thickening
constrictive pericarditis.
intracardiac solid masses
multifocal areas of fibrosis pericardium mediastinum abdominal cavity retroperitoneum
Hashimoto disease
Takikita-Suzuki M, Takeuchi E, Nakashima Y, Yamamoto T, Mukai K, Ogasawara K. A case of multifocal fibrosclerosis with intracardiac solid masses. Hum Pathol. 2006 Apr;37(4):493-7. PMID: (...) -
human body
24 February 2007human body WKP
Definition: The human body is the human organism. It is the entire structure of a human being. It is composed of many different types of cells that together create tissues and subsequently organs, grouped in organ systems producing funcions . They ensure homeostasis and the viability of the human body.
See also
organism human organism
body axes
body (...) -
sudden unexplained death in childhood
28 January 2007SUDC
neonatal sudden death
28 January 2007Etiology (Examples)
idiopathic eosinophilic endomyocarditis (#16211450#)
See also
sudden death -
fetal and neonatal hepatic veno-occlusive disease
3 November 2006Etiology
pyrrolizidine alkaloids of food origin (#12835579#, #3346784#, #2610755#)
disseminated echovirus infection with fulminant hepatic failure (#11779047#)
See also
hepatic veno-occlusive disease
Sergi C, Beedgen B, Linderkamp O, Hofmann WJ. Fatal course of veno-occlusive disease of the liver (endophlebitis hepatica obliterans) in a preterm infant. Pathol Res Pract. 1999;195(12):847-51. PMID: #10631721#
Seibold-Weiger K, Vochem M, Mackensen-Haen S, Speer C. Fatal (...) -
25 October 2006endophenotype
Different diseases often have common underlying mechanisms and shared intermediate pathophenotypes, or endophenotypes.
Within this framework, a specific disease’s expression is a consequence of the interplay between the relevant endophenotypes and their local, organ-based environment. Important examples of such endophenotypes are inflammation, fibrosis, and thrombosis and their essential roles in many developing diseases.
In a study, it has been constructed endophenotype (...) -
pediatric pathology
15 January 2006Societies
Paediatric Pathology Society (PPS)
Correlapaedia, A Correlative Encyclopedia of Pediatric Imaging, Surgery, and Pathology by the Virtual Pediatric Hospital
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology