Vulvar Paget disease (by Washington Deceit)
See also
cutaneous Paget disease
Home > E. Pathology by systems > Reproductive system > Female genital system > Vulva
Adj. Vulvar
vulvar Paget disease
20 June 2007 -
Zoon vulvitis
13 June 2006Definition : Zoon vulvitis or vulvitis chronica plasmacellularis is a rare, chronic benign inflammation of the vulvar mucosa.
See also
Zoon balanitis -
vulvar mullerian cyst
21 March 2006vulvar paramesonephric cyst
vulvar cysts
21 March 2006Exemples
vulvar mullerian cyst (vulvar paramesonephric cyst ) vulvar paramesonephric mucinous cyst
vulvar mucous cyst
vulvar epithelial inclusion cyst ( vulvar keratinous cyst / vulvar epidermal cyst )
Bartholin gland cyst
vulvar trichilemmal cyst
vulvar ciliated cyst
Differential diagnosis
cystic cutaneous tumors
infected, pus draining lesions folliculitis Fox-Fordyce disease hidradenitis suppurativa granuloma inguinale lymphogranuloma venereum
See (...) -
21 March 2006Pathology
vulvar lesions
vulvar cysts
vulvar diseases
vulvar tumors
See also
female genital system -
childhood asymmetric labium majus enlargement
14 September 2005Childhood asymmetric labium majus enlargement (CALME) couldrepresent 22% of all pediatric vulvar soft tissue masses and 3% of all vulvar lesions biopsied. It is a distinctive clinicopathologic entity of pre- and early puberty.
Age range: 3.9 to 13.2 years
enlargement of 1 or occasionally both labia majora
expansion of the labium majus without definable borders
fibro-fatty tissue from 2 to 8 cm in greatest dimension
usual constituents of vulvar soft tissue, with expansion (...) -
vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
27 April 2004vulvar SCC, vulvar SCCs
Definition: Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) accounts for >90% of the malignant tumours of the vulva. Most VSCCs originate in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), that precede the development of VSCC by a variable period of time.
Strong evidence has accumulated showing that there are two different aetiopathogenic pathways for the development of VSCC and VIN, one associated with infection by human papillomavirus (HPV), and a second independent of HPV (...) -
vulvar acanthosis
27 April 2004Definition: thickening of the prickle cell layer.
Nascimento AF, Granter SR, Cviko A, Yuan L, Hecht JL, Crum CP. Vulvar Acanthosis With Altered Differentiation: A Precursor to Verrucous Carcinoma? Am J Surg Pathol. 2004 May;28(5):638-643. PMID: #15105653#
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