See also
intra-abdominal tumors
immature teratoma
Home > F. Pathology by regions > Abdomen
intra-abdominal immature teratoma
5 September 2007 -
cloacal malformations
28 January 2007malformations of the cloaca, cloacal anomalies
abdominal cysts
8 December 2006See also
Cysts -
mesenteric lipoma
7 December 2006See also
mesenteric tumors
adipocytic tumors -
fetal abdominal distension
9 November 2006Etiology
fetal polycystic kidney diseases (fetal PKDs) fetal autosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseases (fetal ARPKDs)
bilateral non-obstructive renal dysplasia (BORD) Meckel syndrome
See also
Abdomen -
mesenteric cyst
13 March 2006mesenteric cysts
umbilical pilonidal sinus disease
13 March 2006Pilonidal sinus disease is a common problem of sacrococcygeal region. However, it is also observed in the periumbilical area.
Eryilmaz R, Sahin M, Okan I, Alimoglu O, Somay A. Umbilical pilonidal sinus disease: predisposing factors and treatment. World J Surg. 2005 Sep;29(9):1158-60. PMID: #16096864# -
neurenteric cyst
10 February 2006Definition: A neurenteric cyst is a rare congenital disorder secondary to alimentary duplication and vertebral malformation.
Neurenteric cysts are extremely rare congenital anomalies, often presenting in the first 5 years of life, and
Neurenteric cysts are caused by an incomplete separation of the notochord from the foregut during the third week of embryogenesis.
Neurenteric cyst are frequently accompanied with spinal or gastrointestinal abnormalities, but the latter may be absent in (...) -
9 February 2006lumbar hernia with lumbocostovertebral syndrome
abdominal wall defects
9 February 2006Types
anterior abdominal wall defects midline defect at the umbilical cord insertion omphalocele pentalogy of Cantrell infraumbilical region cloacal exstrophy lateral abdominal wall defects gastroschisis eccentric, large lateral defects limb-body wall complex amniotic band syndrome
body stalk defect
familial association of unusual lumbar hernia with lumbocostovertebral syndrome (LCVS), spina bifida occulta, median abdominoschisis (...)