Cyst of the thyreoglossal tract; thyroglossal tract cyst, thyreoglossal cyst
Digital case (Digital slides)
HPC:374 : Cyst of the thyroglossal tract
HPC:417 : Cyst of the thyroglossal tract
most common congenital anomaly of the neck
2-4% of all neck masses
most commonly present in the first decade of life but also may be seen in adults.
TGDCs are caused by a persistent epithelial tract, the thyroglossal duct, during the descent of the thyroid from the (...)
Home > F. Pathology by regions > Head and neck > Neck
Adj. cervical
thyroglossal cyst
9 March 2004 -
branchial cleft cyst
9 March 2004branchial cleft sinus, branchial cysts, branchial cleft cysts WKP
Definition: A branchial cleft cyst is a congenital epithelial cyst that arises on the lateral part of the neck usually due to failure of obliteration of the second branchial cleft (or failure of fusion of the second and third branchial arches) in embryonic development. Less commonly, the cysts can develop from the first, third, or fourth clefts.
About 20% of cervical masses in children.
The cyst wall is composed of (...)