Aflatoxin B1 is produced by some strains of the fungus Aspergillus flavus that thrive on improperly stored corn, rice, and peanuts. A strong correlation has been found between the dietary level of this hepatocarcinogen and the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in some parts of Africa and China.
Among the several known chemical carcinogens produced by plants and microorganisms, the potent hepatic carcinogen aflatoxin B1 is particularly important.
The aflatoxin and HBV collaborate in (...)
Home > D. General pathology > Pathogenic agents
Pathogenic agents
Therapy, Toxics and drugs
12 March 2006 -
12 March 2006Streptozocin is an antitumour antibiotic consisting of a nitrosourea moiety interposed between a methyl group and a glucosamine.
Although its mechanism of action is not completely clear, streptozocin is known to inhibit DNA synthesis, interfere with biochemical reactions of NAD and NADH, and inhibit some enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis.
Streptozocin is cell cycle phase-nonspecific and non-cross-resistant with other (...) -
12 March 2006nitrosourea
12 March 2006Carmustine is a highly lipophilic nitrosourea compound which undergoes hydrolysis in vivo to form reactive metabolites. These metabolites cause alkylation and cross-linking of DNA.
Other biologic effects include inhibition of DNA repair and some cell cycle phase-specificity. Nitrosoureas generally lack cross-resistance with other alkylating agents.
See also
alkylating (...) -
Vinca alkaloids
12 March 2006Vinca alkaloids act as antimicrotubule agents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the metaphase.These drugs act by preventing the polymerization of tubulin to form microtubules, as well as inducing depolymerization of formed tubules. Vinca alkaloids are cell cycle phase-specific for M phase and S phase.
See also
vincristin -
12 March 2006Vincristine is a naturally occurring vinca alkaloid.
Vinca alkaloids act as antimicrotubule agents that block mitosis by arresting cells in the metaphase.These drugs act by preventing the polymerization of tubulin to form microtubules, as well as inducing depolymerization of formed tubules. Vinca alkaloids are cell cycle phase-specific for M phase and S phase. -
12 March 2006Asparaginase is an enzyme that has been purified from E. coli and Erwinia carotovora. It acts by deaminating extracellular L-asparagine, an amino acid that appears to be essential for protein synthesis by some tumour cells lacking adequate levels of asparagine synthetase.
Asparaginase from Erwinia carotovora is serologically and biochemically distinct from asparaginase from E. coli, although its antineoplastic activity and toxicity is similar. Asparaginase is usually considered to be cell (...) -
purine analogues
12 March 2006antimetabolites
12 March 2006antimetabolite, anti-metabolites
12 March 2006Oxaliplatin is a platinum-based chemotherapy drug in the same family as cisplatin and carboplatin. It is typically administered in combination with fluorouracil and leucovorin in a combination known as FOLFOX for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
Compared to cisplatin the two amine groups are replaced by cyclohexyldiamine for improved antitumour activity. The chlorine ligands are replaced by the oxalato bidentate derived from oxalic acid in order to improve water solubility.
Oxaliplatin (...)
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