comparative oncology
comparative anatomy
comparative histology
Home > Resources in pathology > Concepts > Fields / Science
Fields / Science
Scientific fields
comparative biology
29 December 2018 -
comparative oncology
29 December 2018Open online books
Comparative Oncology. 2007
Alecsandru Ioan Baba and Cornel Câtoi.
Open references
Comparative Oncology Today
Melissa C. Paoloni, and Chand Khanna,
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2174910/ -
29 December 2018WKP
See also : human physiology
Definition : Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek φύσις (physis), meaning ’nature, origin’, and -λογία (-logia), meaning ’study of’) is the scientific study of the functions and mechanisms which work within a living system.
As a sub-discipline of biology, the focus of physiology is on how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions that exist in a living system.
See also
organism physiology / human (...) -
comparative anatomy
3 March 2017WKP
Definition : Comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species. It is closely related to evolutionary biology and phylogeny (the evolution of species).
The science began in the classical era, continuing in Early Modern times with work by Pierre Belon who noted the similarities of the skeletons of birds and humans.
Comparative anatomy has provided evidence of common descent, and has assisted in the classification of animals.
See (...) -
comparative histology
3 March 2017Links
See also
comparative anatomy
Textbook of Comparative Histology. Reviewed by Alfred J. Coulombre. Yale J Biol Med. 1959 Sep; 32(1): 63.
Textbook of Comparative Histology. Andrew Warren. Academic Medicine: June 1959 - Volume 34 - Issue 6 - ppg 623
Comparative Anatomy and Histology . A Mouse and Human Atlas. Edited by:Piper M. Treuting, Suzanne Dintzis, Denny Liggitt and Charles W. Frevert
ISBN: (...) -
physiological phenomenon
9 August 2016WP
Definition : An abnormal physiological phenomenon is the anomalies of a physiological parameter.
The physiology is the scientific study of the normal function in living systems.
It is a sub-discipline of biology and medicine,
its focus is in how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system.
Given the size of the field, it is divided into, among others, animal physiology (including that of (...) -
systems science
9 August 2016 -
9 August 2016WP
Definition: Histology is the study of the microscopic moprhology (microanatomy or micromorphology ) of normal cells and normal tissues of plants and animals.
It is commonly performed by examining cells and tissues under a light microscope or electron microscope , the specimen having been sectioned (cut into a thin cross section with a microtome), stained, and mounted on a microscope slide.
Histological studies may be conducted using tissue culture, where live human or animal cells (...) -
9 August 2016tissular pathology WP
Definition : The study of abnormal tissue is known as histopathology.
Histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestations of disease.
Specifically, in clinical medicine, histopathology refers to the examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist, after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides.
In contrast, cytopathology examines free cells or (...) -
20 June 2016WP
Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as (...)
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