proteic interactions
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Molecular function
protein interactions
19 July 2003 -
cell-cycle checkpoints
26 September 2003DNA integrity checkpoints, DNA damage checkpoints, cellular cycle checkpoints, Cell Cycle Checkpoints
7 October 2003sterols
protein folding
13 July 2003folded protein
fatty acid omega oxidation
25 October 2004While the main route of fatty acid metabolism is through beta-oxidation, some minor metabolic pathways such as omega oxidation also contribute to the metabolism of fatty acids and other molecules.
Omega oxidation occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum rather than the mitochondria, the site of beta-oxidation.
The omega carbon in a fatty acid is the carbon furthest in the alkyl chain from the carboxylic acid. In the omega oxidation pathway, this carbon is progressively oxidized first to an (...) -
DNA damage
15 September 2003DNA lesions, DNA damages WKP
Definition: All cells can sustain DNA damage from various sources that are conveniently classified as either endogenous or exogenous in origin.
See also :
naturally occurring DNA damage
DNA damage by reactive oxygen species
In human cells, both normal metabolic activities and environmental factors such as UV light can cause DNA damage, resulting in as many as 1 million individual molecular lesions per cell per day.
Many of these lesions cause (...) -
cell signaling
13 July 2003cellular signalling
calcium signaling
19 July 2003calcium signalling, cellular calcium, Ca(2+)
20 November 2003epigenetic reprogramming, nuclear reprogramming, cellular reprogramming
epigenetic reprogramming
nuclear reprogramming
cellular reprogramming
Cellular Reprogramming (ISSN: 2152-4971 • Bimonthly • Online ISSN: 2152-4998), Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Hendrix MJ, Seftor EA, Seftor RE, Kasemeier-Kulesa J, Kulesa PM, Postovit LM. Reprogramming metastatic tumour cells with embryonic microenvironments. Nat Rev Cancer. 2007 Apr;7(4):246-55. PMID: #17384580#
Hansis (...) -
oxidative phosphorylation
30 September 2003electron transport system, oxydative phosphorylation, electron transport reaction in mitochondria, OXPHOS system, respiratory chain