gross lesions, macroscopic lesions
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macroscopical lesions
7 January 2005 -
medical semiology
11 July 2003Definition: Medical semiology is the science of signs in medicine. It is a part of medical semiotics.
molecular semiology
biological semiology
morphological semiology macroscopical semiology macroscopical lesions macroscopical lesional syndromes microscopical semiology microscopical lesions microscopical lesional syndromes
functional semiology
clinical semiology
See also
concepts in (...) -
11 July 2003 -
16 July 2003human disease
Definition: A disease is a particular abnormal condition (anomaly - anomalies ), a disorder of a structure or function , that affects part or all of an organism.
The study of diseases is pathology. The classification of diseases is nosology. The study of the causes of diseases is etiology. The study of the mechanisms of diseases is physiopathology.
Diseases differ from syndromes.
The study of the causes of diseases forms the etiology.
Mechanisms (...) -
1 June 2004biological structures; living structures
Definition : In biology, structures exist at all levels of biological organization , ranging hierarchically from the atomic and molecular to the cell , tissue , organ , organism , population and ecosystem level.
Usually, a higher-level structure is composed of multiple copies of a lower-level structure.
The structural biology studies the biomolecular structure of macromolecules, particularly proteins and nucleic acids.
The function of these (...) -
28 May 2004Eugenics involves using principles of genetics to "improve" humankind. Though presently out of favor, the idea that this was a good thing was fairly universally accepted throughout the early part of this century.
Richards M. Timeline: A nineteenth-century experiment in human selective breeding. Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Jun;5(6):475-9. PMID: #15154000# -
anatomoclinical correlation
11 July 2003 -
allelic diseases
6 October 2003allelic disorders
10 February 2005syndrome
Definition: A syndrome could be a set of symptoms and clinical signs ( clinical syndromes ), a set of lesions ( lesional syndromes ), a set of malformations ( malformative syndromes ) or a set of biological anomalies ( biological syndromes ).
Syndromes and Nosology
One of the main problems with nosologies is that diseases often cannot be defined and classified clearly especially when pathogenesis or causality is not known. So, diagnostic terms often are in fact only symptoms or (...) -
20 September 2004References
Carlborg O, Haley CS. Epistasis: too often neglected in complex trait studies? Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Aug;5(8):618-25. PMID: #15266344#
Cordell HJ. Epistasis: what it means, what it doesn’t mean, and statistical methods to detect it in humans. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Oct 1;11(20):2463-8. PMID: #12351582#