nasal mucosa
Sinonasal mucosa
nasal mucosal anomalies cellular infiltration inflammatory infiltration tumoral infiltration
infectious agents Example : rhinosporidiosis
foreign body
See also
nasal cavities
sinonasal tract
Home > Keywords > Physiological > Tissular components
Tissular components
sinonasal mucosa
29 June 2005 -
antral mucosa
11 November 2005pyloric mucosa
Definition: The antral mucosa (Synonym: pyloric mucosa) is the mucosa found in the gastric antrum.
Its characteristic feature is presence of coiled and branching antral glands.
These are lined by mucus cells that are interspersed with endocrine cells (chiefly G and D types), and a few parietal cells.
The parietal cells are most numerous proximally near the oxynto-antral border.
The foveolar component is taller in the antral mucosa than in the oxyntic mucosa.
Components (...) -
connective tissue
7 March 2004connective tissues WKP
Definition: Connective tissue (CT) is one of the four basic types of animal tissue, along with epithelial tissue - epithelia , muscle tissue - muscles , and nervous tissue.
Connective tissue develops from the mesoderm.
Connective tissue is found in between other tissues everywhere in the body, including the nervous system. In the central nervous system, the three outer membranes (the meninges) that envelope the brain and spinal cord are composed of connective (...) -
19 November 2005Adj. synovial. Normal synovium.; stratum synoviale ; synovium; synovial membrane WKP
Definition: The synovial membrane is a specialized connective tissue that lines the inner surface of capsules of synovial joints and tendon sheath.
synovial cells / synoviocytes
connective tissue
articular synovium
synovial bursa
tendon sheath
The synovial membrane makes direct contact with the synovial fluid lubricant, which it is primarily (...) -
corpus luteum
17 November 2004corpora lutea (corpus luteum)
Definition: Corpus luteum is 1 to 2 cm, round yellow, lobulated structure with cystic center. It has luteinized granulosa and theca cells.
In pregnancy, coprus luteum is larger, bright yellow with prominent central cavity, hyaline droplets and calcification. Progesterone from the corpus luteum maintains the uterus for implantation.
The corpus luteum secretes progesterone which induces a secretory endometrium. It normally regresses in 14 days unless it is (...) -
ciliated columnar epithelium
1 March 2005 -
digestive crypts
15 November 2004Types
intestinal crypts
colonic crypts -
fundic mucosa
11 November 2005fundal mucosa, oxyntic mucosa
apocrine glands
6 December 2004WKP
Definition : Apocrine is a term used to classify exocrine glands in the study of histology. Cells which are classified as "apocrine" bud their secretions off through the plasma membrane producing extracellular membrane-bound vesicles.
The apical portion of the secretory cell of the gland pinches off and enters the lumen. It loses part of its cytoplasm in their secretions.
Apocrine glands are found primarily in the breast of lactating mammals (i.e. the mammary glands are apocrine (...) -
extracellular matrix
28 May 2003WKP
A layer consisting mainly of proteins (especially collagen) and glycosaminoglycans (mostly as proteoglycans) that forms a sheet underlying cells such as endothelial cells and epithelial cells. The proteins are secreted by cells in the vicinity. GO:0005578
The extra-cellualr matrix (ECM) is secreted locally and assembles into a network in the spaces surrounding cells (intercellualr space). The extra-cellualr matrix (ECM) forms a significant proportion of the volume of any tissue. (...)