Cryptic subtelomeric rearrangements are undetectable using conventional cytogenetic methods.
They have been observed in the thalassaemia/MR syndrome (16pter), Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (4pter), Miller-Dieker syndrome (17pter), and the cri du chat syndrome (5pter).
Moreover, cryptic subtelomeric rearrangements have been found to account for 5-7.4% of moderately or severely mentally handicapped children.
Rio M, Molinari F, Heuertz S, Ozilou C, Gosset P, Raoul O, Cormier-Daire (...)
Home > Keywords > Cytogenetics > Chromosomal anomalies
Chromosomal anomalies
cryptic subtelomeric rearrangements
26 October 2007 -
trisomy 18
27 January 2005Edward Syndrome, trisomy E
Definition: Trisomy 18 (1/5000 live births) presents with a great phenotypic variability. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) with normal or increased amniotic fluid volume, craniofacial dysmorphism (strawberry-shaped head, micrognathia, choroid plexus cyst), congenital heart disease, omphalocele, large cisterna magna, and abnormal extremities (clenched hands and rocker-bottom feet) are frequently observed anomalies.
At least 30% of affected fetuses have (...) -
trisomy 8 mosaicism
1 December 2003T8M, partial trisomy 8, . Differing proportions of 47,XY, +der(8) and 46 XY were present in the different fetal tissues sampled. The highest proportion of 47,XY,+der(8)
ring chromosome 17
5 November 2008Synopsis
dysmorphia (facial dysmorphism)
mild-to-moderate mental retardation
mosaic ring chromosome 17 (#12774038#)
Dupont C, Pipiras E, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Verloes A, Baumann C, Wolf JP, Benzacken B. CGH and direct diagnosis of mosaic structural chromosomal abnormalities: description of a mosaic ring chromosome 17 and review of the literature. Eur J Hum Genet. 2003 Jun;11(6):452-6. PMID: (...) -
3q29 microdeletion syndrome
6 June 2005Synopsis
mild-to-moderate mental retardation
slightly dysmorphic facial features long and narrow face short philtrum high nasal bridge autism gait ataxia chest-wall deformity long and tapering fingers
cleft lip and palate
horseshoe kidney
ligamentous laxity
recurrent middle ear infections
abnormal pigmentation
Genes involved
The deletion encompasses 22 genes, including PAK2 DLG1
Willatt L, Cox J, Barber J, Cabanas ED, Collins A, (...) -
3 February 2006Synopsis
congenital cardiac malformations cardiomegaly Ebstein anomaly secundum atrial septal defect subendocardial fibroelastosis
pulmonary lymphangiectasis
high arched palate
short neck
bilateral long proximally implanted thumbs
Yang H, Lee CL, Young DC, Shortliffe M, Yu W, Wright JR. A rare case of interstitial del(1)(p34.3p36.11) diagnosed prenatally. Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2004 Jul-Aug;23(4):251-5. PMID: (...) -
18 December 200514q32.2 constitutional deletion
25 August 2004Isochromosome formation results when one arm of a chromosome is lost and the remaining arm is duplicated, resulting in a chromosome consisting of two short arms only or of two long arms.
An isochromosome has morphologically identical genetic information in both arms.
The most common isochromosome present in live births involves the long arm of the X and is designated i(X)(q10). The Xq isochromosome is associated with monosomy for genes on the short arm of X and with trisomy for genes on (...) -
3 September 2007A large number of nevi (LNN) is a high risk phenotypic trait for developing cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). A t(9;12)(p21;q13) balanced chromosome translocation has been described in a family with LNN and CMM.
Molecular bioology
Molecular characterization of the 9p21 breakpoint identified a novel gene C9orf14 expressed in melanocytes disrupted by the translocation. (#17099875#)
Pujana MA, Ruiz A, Badenas C, Puig-Butille JA, Nadal M, Stark M, Gomez L, Valls J, Sole X, (...) -
22 September 2004isochromosome 17q, 17q+