Home > E. Pathology by systems > Skin > cellular blue nevus
cellular blue nevus
Tuesday 28 March 2006
cellular blue nevus: wedge-shape into deep dermis, plump oval-spindled cells, rarely amelanotic, HMB45+
Digital cases
UI:336 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10757 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10777 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10778 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10782 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10787 : Cellular blue nevus.
JRC:10791 : Cellular blue nevus.
well-demarcated nodule
fascicles and nests of tightly packed
moderately sized, spindled to oval melanocytes
scattered melanophages
centered in the reticular dermis
blunt-ended, bulbus extensions that extend into the subcutaneous fat
occasional mitoses
significant cytologic atypia
necrosis absent
See also
blue nevi
melanocytic tumors