Like other subcellular organelles, peroxisomes divide and segregate to daughter cells during cell division, but this organelle can also proliferate or be degraded in response to environmental cues.
Although the mechanisms and genes involved in these processes are still under active investigation, an important player in peroxisome proliferation is DNM1L, a dynamin-related protein (DRP) that is recruited to the organelle membrane by a DRP receptor.
Related DRPs also function in the division of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Many other proteins and signals regulate peroxisome division and proliferation.
See also
peroxisome biogenesis disorders (MIM.601359)
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs)
Yan M, Rayapuram N, Subramani S. The control of peroxisome number and size during division and proliferation. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2005 Aug;17(4):376-83. PMID: #15978793#