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Home > B. Cellular pathology > protrusion


Wednesday 8 February 2006

Actin-based protrusion is the first step in cell crawling. In the last two decades, the studies of actin networks in the lamellipodium and Listeria’s comet tail advanced so far that the last goal of the reductionist agenda - reconstitution of protrusion from purified components in vitro and in silico - became viable. Earlier models dealt with growth of and force generation by a single actin filament.

Modern models of tethered ratchet, autocatalytic branching, end-tracking motor action and elastic- and nano- propulsion have recently helped to elucidate dynamics and forces in complex actin networks.

See also

- retraction
- cell motility


- Mogilner A. On the edge: modeling protrusion. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2006 Feb;18(1):32-9. PMID: 16318917

- Small JV, Resch GP. The comings and goings of actin: coupling protrusion and retraction in cell motility. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2005 Oct;17(5):517-23. PMID: 16099152