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Monday 13 December 2004

Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) was one of France’s foremost historians of science. Trained as a medical doctor as well as a philosopher, he combined these practices to demonstrate to philosophers that there could be no epistemology without concrete study of the actual development of the sciences and to historians that there could be no worthwhile history of science without a philosophical understanding of the conceptual basis of all knowledge.

Books by Georges Canguilhem

- The Normal and the Pathological.

by Georges Canguilhem. Translated by Carolyn R. Fawcett. Paperback: 327 pages. Publisher: Zone Books; Reprint edition (October 28, 1991). ISBN: 0942299590

- A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings from Georges Canguilhem.

by Franois Delaporte (Editor). Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Paperback: 482 pages. Publisher: Zone Books; 1 Pbk ed edition (February 28, 2000). ISBN: 0942299736

- Du développement à l’évolution au XIXe siècle.

by Georges Canguilhem G. Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) (September 20, 1999). ISBN: 2130389600 (in french)

- Ecrits sur la médecine.

by Georges Canguilhem. Publisher: Seuil (June 12, 2002)ISBN: 2020551705 (in french)

- La connaissance de la vie.

by Georges Canguilhem. Publisher: Vrin (May 3, 2000). ISBN: 2711611329 (in french)

Books on Georges Canguilhem

- La Vie humaine : Anthropologie et biologie chez Georges Canguilhem.

by Guillaume Le Blanc. Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF (August 31, 2002). ISBN: 2130522742

- Canguilhem et les normes.

by Guillaume Le Blanc. 126 pages. Publisher: Presses universitaires de France; 1re éd edition (1998). ISBN: 2130491243

- Georges Canguilhem, philosophe, historien des sciences.

Actes du colloque, 6-7-8 décembre 1990 (Bibliothèque du Collège international de philosophie). 330 pages
Publisher: A. Michel (1993). ISBN: 2226062017


- Trnka P. Subjectivity and values in medicine: the case of Canguilhem. J Med Philos. 2003 Aug;28(4):427-46. PMID: 14610690

- Horton R. Georges Canguilhem: philosopher of disease. J R Soc Med. 1995 Jun;88(6):316-9. PMID: 7629760

- Spicker SF. An introduction to the medical epistemology of Georges Canguilhem: moving beyond Michel Foucault. J Med Philos. 1987 Nov;12(4):397-411. PMID: 3325604


  • IMG/jpg/canguilhem_g-2.jpg
  • Georges Canguilhem in his office