- Human pathology - Photos - pictures - videos


Embryo Fetus

Embryonic development is an emergent process in which increasing complexity is generated by sequential cellular interactions.

These interactions are mediated by just a few families of signalling molecules. This limited repertoire elicit the diversity of form that is characteristic of multicellular organisms.

By tissular types

- epithelial development

By systems

- skeletal development
- vascular development
- dental development
- cutaneous development

  • epidermal development

- cardiac development
- renal development

- retinal development
- dental development
- ocular development
- pituitary development
- pulmonary development
- digestive development
- pancreatic development
- hepatic development
- female genital development
- male genital development


- embryonic development
- fetal developement

Pathology (developmental anomalies)

- cerebral developmental anomalies
- portal vein developmental anomalies
- lymphatic developmental anomalies
- urinary developmental anomalies
- renal developmental anomalies
- splenic developmental anomalies


- animatics in development
- onlines videos in development

See also

- Embryo
- Fetus
- developmental programmed cell death
- inductive interactions
- cellular programming
- organogenesis


- Ingham PW, Placzek M. Orchestrating ontogenesis: variations on a theme by sonic hedgehog. Nat Rev Genet. 2006 Nov;7(11):841-50. PMID: #17047684#

- Levine M, Davidson EH. Gene regulatory networks for development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Apr 5;102(14):4936-42. PMID: #15788537#

- Chodosh LA. The reciprocal dance between cancer and development. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 11;347(2):134-6. PMID: #12110743#