Home > E. Pathology by systems > Skin > impetigo
Thursday 11 February 2021
bullous impetigo
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pustuleis filled with neutrophils
cleavage plane is subcorneal or upper granular layer
variable acantholysis
- neutrophils may be seen in the spongiotic stratum spinosum
bacterial clusters are evident with Gram stain
dermal infiltrate
- The underlying dermal infiltrate contains a mixed neutrophil and lymphocytes infiltrate
Differential diagnosis
allergic contact dermatitis: different clinical history, extensive spongiosis, numerous eosinophils
- Antibodies in a pemphigus like pattern: may be demonstrated in bullous impetigo and distinction from pemphigus foliaceous may therefore be a problem; generally the presence of numerous neutrophils and the recognition of Gram positive cocci is sufficiently characteristic of impetigo, as acantholytic cells are very scanty
herpes simplex infection: different clinical history, viral inclusions
insect bites: different clinical history
Other blistering disorders: including chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood
subcorneal pustular dermatosis and pustular psoriasis
superficial variant of pemphigus: particularly as the latter become secondarily infected and there may be one or two acantholytic cells in impetigo
thermal burns: different clinical history
See also
bullous diseases