Home > E. Pathology by systems > Urinary system > Kidneys > bilateral renal agenesis
bilateral renal agenesis
Thursday 19 February 2004
Definiton: Total absence of renal structures after macroscopical AND microscopical examinations.
absence of renal structures (after macroscopical AND microscopical examinations)
absence of renal arteries and ureteres
urinary bladder hypoplastic or agenetic (absent)
frequent defective urethra
fetal anuria with oligohydramnios sequence
isolated bilateral renal agenesis
- sporadic bilateral renal agenesis
- familial bilateral renal agenesis
- RET germline mutations (18252214)
syndromal bilateral renal agenesis
- Fraser syndrome (MIM.219000) (FRAS1 or FREM2 mutations)
- branchiootorenal syndrome (MIM.113650) (EYAI mutations at 8q13.3)
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation type 2 (CCAM type 2)
left heart hypoplasia
urorectal septum malformation sequence
anomalies of hindgut
anomalies of lower urinary tract
anomalies of internal genitalia
- female genital malformations (Mullerian anomalies) (2669483)
- uterine malfomations (bicornuate uterus)
- vaginal malformations
- male genital malformations
- epididymal malformations
- vas deferens malformations
caudal regression syndrome
- sirenomelia
lethal acrofacial dysostosis (11822708)
- mesomelic limb abnormalities
- pre- and post-axial hand defects
single umbilical artery (14745934)
phocomelia (14745934)
maternal cocaine abuse (14745934)
RET germline mutations (37%) (18252214)
trisomy 22 (7625758)
triploX syndrome (47,XXX) (2669483)
Case records
Case 10783: Bilateral renal agenesis in urinary agenesis
See also:
renal malformations
oligohydramnios sequence (Potter sequence)
Skinner MA, Safford SD, Reeves JG, Jackson ME, Freemerman AJ. Renal aplasia in humans is associated with RET mutations. Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Feb;82(2):344-51. PMID: 18252215
Hogge WA, Vick DJ, Schnatterly PA, MacMillan RH. Bilateral renal agenesis and Mullerian anomalies in a 47,XXX fetus. Am J Med Genet. 1989 Jun;33(2):242-3. PMID: 2669483