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viral pneumonia
Sunday 29 March 2020
Definition : Viral pneumonia is a pneumonia caused by a virus.
Viruses are one of the two major causes of pneumonia, the other being bacteria; less common causes are fungi and parasites. Viruses are the most common cause of pneumonia in children, while in adults bacteria are a more common cause.
influenza pneumonia and parainfluenza pneumonia
adenovirus pneumonia
chickenpox pneumonia
herpes zoster pneumonia
measles pneumonia
- rubella pneumonia
coronavirus pneumonia and coronavirus disease (COVID)
hantavirus pneumonia
respiratory mucosal hyperemia
pleural effusion
pulmonary swelling
variegated pulmonary pleura and serosa
focal hemorrhage and edema of the cut surface of the lung
enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes
pulmonary alveoli edema
pulmonary interstitial edema
pulmonary hemorrhage
alveolar epithelial shedding
serous exudation (or) fibrinous exudation in the alveoli
formation of viral inclusions
formation of transparent membranes
infiltration of inflammatory cells that mainly consisted of macrophages and lymphocytes in interstitial substance and alveoli.
Viral pulmonary infections often affected the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
Open references
Retrospective Analysis of 61 Cases of Children Died of Viral Pneumonia. Chen XB, Du SH, Lu JC, Tan XH, Li DR, Yue X, Wang Q, Wang HJ, Qiao DF. Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2020 Mar 25;36(2). doi : 10.12116/j.issn.1004-5619.2020.02.002 PMID: 32212512 Free