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nasolabial duct cyst
Thursday 4 January 2018
Nasolabial cyst ; Klestadt cyst ; Nasal alveolar cyst
; Nasoalveolar cyst
; Nasal wing cyst
; Nasal vestibule cyst
; Mucoid cyst of the noseh
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Definition : Nasolabial duct cysts are relatively uncommon benign extraosseous maxillary lesions.
Nasolabial cyst lining epithelium is characteristically composed of a basal layer of cuboidal cells and a luminal layer of columnar secretory cells with interspersed mucous goblet cells. In addition, areas of multilayered epithelium and squamous metaplasia may be seen.
The cyst stroma is characterized by collagen-rich fibrovascular tissue with variably admixed chronic inflammatory cells.
Basal layer cells express p63 and cytokeratin 5/6, while goblet cells express MUC-2 and MUC-5AC mucins, supporting the notion that nasolabial cysts can be understood as hamartomatous, locally expansile remnants of distal nasolacrimal duct development.
Differential diagnosis
cyst of the incisive papilla
cystic salivary gland tumors
dilated salivary duct due to obstruction
epidermal inclusion cyst
glandular odontogenic cyst
nasopalatine duct cyst
The nasolabial cyst: a nonodontogenic oral cyst related to nasolacrimal duct epithelium. Toribio Y, Roehrl MH. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2011 Nov;135(11):1499-503. doi : 10.5858/arpa.2010-0338-RS PMID: 22032581