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sickle cells
Wednesday 22 March 2017
Definition: Sickle cells, also known as drepanocytes, result from the abnormal polymerization of deoxygenated hemoglobin.
Sickle cell anemia is caused by substitution of normal hemoglobin (HbA) by hemoglobin S (HbS). When an individual is homozygous for the mutant gene, all the hemoglobin is of the abnormal, HbS, type, and even with normal saturation of oxygen, the disorder is fully expressed (i.e., sickling deformity of all red cells and hemolytic anemia).
sickle cells / drepanocytes
- https://twitter.com/DrAldehyde/status/844297794395496452
- https://twitter.com/Drshalini01/status/1294973637095636994
See also
SCD sickle cell disease / drepanocytosis