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mate pair sequencing
Tuesday 12 March 2013
Open references
Mate pair sequencing of whole-genome-amplified DNA following laser capture microdissection of prostate cancer. Murphy SJ, Cheville JC, Zarei S, Johnson SH, Sikkink RA, Kosari F, Feldman AL, Eckloff BW, Karnes RJ, Vasmatzis G. DNA Res. 2012 Oct;19(5):395-406. doi : 10.1093/dnares/dss021 PMID: 22991452 [Free]
Mate pair sequencing of whole-genome-amplified DNA following laser capture microdissection of prostate cancer. Murphy SJ, Cheville JC, Zarei S, Johnson SH, Sikkink RA, Kosari F, Feldman AL, Eckloff BW, Karnes RJ, Vasmatzis G. DNA Res. 2012 Oct;19(5):395-406. doi : 10.1093/dnares/dss021 PMID: 22991452 [Free]
Long-range massively parallel mate pair sequencing detects distinct mutations and similar patterns of structural mutability in two breast cancer cell lines. Hampton OA, Koriabine M, Miller CA, Coarfa C, Li J, Den Hollander P, Schoenherr C, Carbone L, Nefedov M, Ten Hallers BF, Lee AV, De Jong PJ, Milosavljevic A. Cancer Genet. 2011 Aug;204(8):447-57. doi : 10.1016/j.cancergen.2011.07.009 PMID: 21962895 [Free]
Structural alterations from multiple displacement amplification of a human genome revealed by mate-pair sequencing. Jiao X, Rosenlund M, Hooper SD, Tellgren-Roth C, He L, Fu Y, Mangion J, Sjöblom T. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22250. doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0022250 PMID: 21799804 [Free]
Chromothripsis as a mechanism driving complex de novo structural rearrangements in the germline. Kloosterman WP, Guryev V, van Roosmalen M, Duran KJ, de Bruijn E, Bakker SC, Letteboer T, van Nesselrooij B, Hochstenbach R, Poot M, Cuppen E. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 May 15;20(10):1916-24. doi : 10.1093/hmg/ddr073 PMID: 21349919 [Free]
Comparison of constitutional and replication stress-induced genome structural variation by SNP array and mate-pair sequencing. Arlt MF, Ozdemir AC, Birkeland SR, Lyons RH Jr, Glover TW, Wilson TE. Genetics. 2011 Mar;187(3):675-83. doi : 10.1534/genetics.110.124776 PMID: 21212237 [Free]
Discovery of recurrent t(6;7)(p25.3;q32.3) translocations in ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphomas by massively parallel genomic sequencing. Feldman AL, Dogan A, Smith DI, Law ME, Ansell SM, Johnson SH, Porcher JC, Ozsan N, Wieben ED, Eckloff BW, Vasmatzis G. Blood. 2011 Jan 20;117(3):915-9. doi : 10.1182/blood-2010-08-303305 PMID: 21030553 [Free]
Genome-wide analysis reveals recurrent structural abnormalities of TP63 and other p53-related genes in peripheral T-cell lymphomas. Vasmatzis G, Johnson SH, Knudson RA, Ketterling RP, Braggio E, Fonseca R, Viswanatha DS, Law ME, Kip NS, Ozsan N, Grebe SK, Frederick LA, Eckloff BW, Thompson EA, Kadin ME, Milosevic D, Porcher JC, Asmann YW, Smith DI, Kovtun IV, Ansell SM, Dogan A, Feldman AL. Blood. 2012 Sep 13;120(11):2280-9. doi : 10.1182/blood-2012-03-419937 PMID: 22855598
Elucidation of a novel pathogenomic mechanism using genome-wide long mate-pair sequencing of a congenital t(16;21) in a series of three RUNX1-mutated FPD/AML pedigrees. Buijs A, Poot M, van der Crabben S, van der Zwaag B, van Binsbergen E, van Roosmalen MJ, Tavakoli-Yaraki M, de Weerdt O, Nieuwenhuis HK, van Gijn M, Kloosterman WP. Leukemia. 2012 Sep;26(9):2151-4. doi : 10.1038/leu.2012.79 PMID: 22430633