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inflammatory bowel disease-associated colorectal adenocarcinoma
Friday 10 August 2012
inflammatory bowel disease-related colorectal adenocarcinoma
Long-standing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease, is associated with a high risk of developing colorectal adenocarcinoma (CAC).
In contrast to sporadic MSS CAC, IBD-associated CACs are characterized by lack of tumor necrosis, Crohn-like reaction, tumor histologic heterogeneity, the presence of mucin, and signet ring cell differentiation and tumor well differentiation.
The histomorphologic similarity among IBD-associated and MSI-H tumors, either sporadic MSI-H or LS-related, is independent of MSI status. (22790862)
The young age of patients with IBD-associated CAC and the morphological similarities among IBD-associated, sporadic MSI-H, and LS-related CAC suggest that an age-based and morphology-based strategy before the screening test for LS may be less effective in IBD patients than in the non-IBD population. (22790862)
Distinct Clinicohistologic Features of Inflammatory Bowel Disease-associated Colorectal Adenocarcinoma: In Comparison With Sporadic Microsatellite-stable and Lynch Syndrome-related Colorectal Adenocarcinoma. Liu X, Goldblum JR, Zhao Z, Landau M, Heald B, Pai R, Lin J. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012 Aug;36(8):1228-33. PMID: 22790862